Review: Lounge on the Farm festival, Sunday 2013

Lounge on the Farm in Kent has big acts for the head­lin­ers, and local Kent bands enter­tain the crowds dur­ing the after­noon. I can only assume that every­one was suf­fer­ing from mas­sive hang­overs and too much par­ty­ing to Jessie Ware, as on arriv­ing at Lounge on the Farm at noon Sun­day, it all seemed suspiciously…

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Review: Ealing Blues Festival is now a sunny weekender

Imag­ine a fes­ti­val that only costs £5 entrance, has a choice of stages, sev­er­al food out­lets, the oblig­a­tory clothes and jew­ellery stalls plus a clair­voy­ant or two, a decent-ish bar, spot­less por­taloos with no queues… ok no camp­ing, but then you can’t have every­thing. This is what’s on offer each year at Eal­ing Blues Festival,…

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Night moves with The Bedroom Hour at The Finsbury

The Bed­room Hour. It was the promis­ing­ly sul­try name that ini­tial­ly enticed me to check this band out when they popped up on Twit­ter. First hear­ing and they’ve got me hooked. There’s an inten­si­ty to this five-piece West Lon­don band, an immer­sive qual­i­ty, a mood­i­ness which draws you in. Their songs have that abil­i­ty to…

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Simone Felice is spellbinding at St Giles-in-the-Fields church

It’s the fourth of July, we’re at St Giles-in-the-Fields Church, and Simone Felice is obvi­ous­ly enthralled and inspired by the atmos­phere of the church and its grand beau­ty. So much so that towards the end of the set, he bounds off the stage to dance down the aisle, encour­ag­ing us to join in with the…

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