Cafe society in the Northern Quarter: tea with DJ Mr Scruff and an Icelandic style venue

Please note that Teacup has now sad­ly closed dur­ing the pan­dem­ic.  Ear­ly Man­ches­ter mem­o­ries include being per­suad­ed by my friend’s old­er sis­ter to hang around out­side George Best’s shop, hop­ing he would appear. My favourite retail des­ti­na­tion was Crowthers dim­­ly-lit lit­tle bou­tique stuffed with gor­geous Biba-style clothes. Teacup on Thomas St has Mr Scruff the Man­ches­ter DJ…

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Review: Crosby, Stills and Nash play Manchester Arena 2013

There’s a feel­ing of warmth and unmis­tak­able pride here in Man­ches­ter as we await Cros­by, Stills and Nash to make their entrance. For Gra­ham Nash, it’s his home­com­ing gig – the Black­­pool-born, Sal­­ford-raised kid who helped cre­ate hip­py his­to­ry. Car­ry On is the open­er, and it’s those dis­tinc­tive, urgent vocals of Steve Stills, ris­ing and breaking…

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Review: Laura Marling at York Hall, Bethnal Green, 2013

Lau­ra Mar­ling per­form­ing at York Hall, a box­ing hall in Beth­nal Green, sounds ini­tial­ly like a bit of an mis­match. But dur­ing one of her chat­ty moments between songs, Lau­ra informs us that she used to live local­ly and she asks the audi­ence for an update on the area. These days, Laura’s an L.A. babe.…

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