Yes we’re fans of day­time club­bing. Suits us just fine to dance our socks off and head off home at 8pm for hot choco­late, a few Hob­nobs and the tel­ly. And the day time club­bing event start­ed by Vicky McClure, Jon­ny Owen and Rev­erend and the Mak­ers is head­ing to Camp & Fur­nace, Liv­er­pool on 8th February. 

Day Fever prides itself on cre­at­ing a safe-space where peo­ple can just be them­selves. No dress code, no egos, just enjoy­ment and pos­i­tiv­i­ty. This has seen a loy­al fan­base lead­ing to sold out shows in some of the coun­tries most famous venues.

The music pol­i­cy is sim­ple, the great­est hits of the 20th cen­tu­ry. Why can’t Madon­na sit next to Mad­ness? Pulp go back to back with Prince? The Stone Ros­es and The Rolling Stones?90’s dance clas­sics ver­sus a spot of Motown? Why choose when you can enjoy it all?

Vicky McClure says ‘Trav­el­ling up and down the coun­try and see­ing so many peo­ple enjoy­ing them­selves has been such a joy, we’re just so hap­py that peo­ple feel com­fort­able at Day Fever and meet­ing and hear­ing everyone’s sto­ries has made us realise how impor­tant it is for us all to take some time out of life and just have a bloody good dance!’

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