Huey Mor­gan the fun lovin’ crim­i­nal has announced a spring tour. Return­ing to live music in 2025, for­mer Fun Lovin’ Crim­i­nals’ front­man & gui­tarist Huey Mor­gan will be tour­ing UK venues this Spring with his brand new band: HUEY MORGAN: THE FUN LOVIN’ CRIMINAL.

His upcom­ing dates in May will fea­ture a mix­ture of FLC clas­sics, such as Scoo­by Snacks, The Fun Lovin’ Crim­i­nals, King Of New York, Big Night Out, Love Unlim­it­ed, Loco, Couldn’t Get It Right, along with the promise of new music.

Intro­duc­ing the line-up for his new band, Huey says: “The guys in the band con­sist of Mateo DiFontaine, who was one of the orig­i­nal mem­bers of Fun Lovin Crim­i­nals. He’s on keys, turnta­bles and lap steel gui­tar.”

“Leon James on the trap kit is bring­ing taste and flavour to my tunes and his ener­gy on the set we’ve been putting togeth­er is gonna high­light what a dynam­ic and styl­is­tic drum­mer he is.”

“On the keys, I looked for some­one who had a work­ing knowl­edge of funk, soul, rock, punk and hip-hop and wasn’t in jail. Adri­an Gautrey kept get­ting rec­om­mend­ed to me as a cat who could purr on B3 organ as well as all the oth­er keys that round out the Huey sound. Y’all bet­ter respecognise.”

May tour dates
8 – O2 Acad­e­my Bournemouth
9 – O2 Acad­e­my Bris­tol
17 – O2 Academy2 Oxford
23 – O2 Academy2 Birm­ing­ham
30 – O2 Ritz Manchester 

Huey Mor­gan live dates

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