Favourite Days, the brand new Liv­er­pool fes­ti­val, adds new names to its roster. 

On 7 Novem­ber, The Howlers will head­line the Kaz Stock­room. The Lon­don desert-rock­ers have carved out a fierce rep­u­ta­tion as one of the UK’s most thrilling live acts.

The fol­low­ing night, Arxx bring their unpre­dictable and enthralling prowess to town. Bag a tick­et for Jacaran­da Baltic on 8th November.

Also at the Kaz Stock­room, the Dork and DIY tipped Bal­anc­ing Act will be show­ing why they’re clinch­ing “ones to watch” tags right now. 

And rid­ing high on the back of break­out suc­cess­es ‘Peo­ple Like Us’ (2020) and recent fol­low-up album ‘Van­dals’, Cal­lum Beat­tie will head­line a show at the cosy Arts Club Loft on 10th November. 

Both Wax Head and Requiem Blues add their names to a stacked array of tal­ent join­ing YOBS at their head­line show, where­as Pet Snake are con­firmed to sup­port STRFKR.

Over five days, Favourite Days will host 16 indi­vid­ual shows across 10 venues with over 40+ acts due to star across its choice line-ups.

6 Novem­ber 2024 | The Dome at Grand Cen­tral | Sprints + Chloe Slater + BARSTAFF
7 Novem­ber | Kaz Stock­room | The Howlers 
7 Novem­ber 2024 | Liv­er­pool Olympia | Yard Act + Freak­slug + Flood­lights
7 Novem­ber 2024 | Rough Trade | STRFKR + Pet Snake + Strange Col­lec­tive
8 Novem­ber 2024 | LEAF | Somebody’s Child + Bright Town + Felix
8 Novem­ber 2024 | EBG­Bs | Saloon Dion + The Dri­vers Club
8 Novem­ber 2024 | Kaz Stock­room | YOBS w/ Wax Head + Requiem Blues 
8 Novem­ber | Jacaran­da Baltic | ARXX **JUST ADDED**
9 Novem­ber 2024 | Rough Trade | The Rolling Peo­ple + Paci­fi­caze
9 Novem­ber 2024 | The Jacaran­da | Riv­ia
9 Novem­ber 2024 | The Dome at Grand Cen­tral | Antony Szmierek

9 Novem­ber | Kaz Stock­room | Bal­anc­ing Act + Aimée Fatale   **JUST ADDED**
9 Novem­ber | EBGBS | Holy Youth Move­ment
10 Novem­ber 2024 | Fur­nace | CASISDEAD + EMZ + No Fakin X W/Love X Con­duit Sound
10 Novem­ber 2024 | Jacaran­da Baltic | Key­side
10 Novem­ber 2024 | Rough Trade | Hooton Ten­nis Club10 Novem­ber | Arts Club Loft | Cal­lum Beattie 

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