Good to hear there’s no stop­ping for Robin Trow­er, who just released a new stu­dio album enti­tled Where You Are Going To, by Man­haton Records.  Trow­er was a mem­ber of Pro­col Harum in the 60s, and became known for his ‘soft psy­che­delia’. The leg­endary  blues rock gui­tarist and singer-song­writer is also going to be head­ing out on tour in Octo­ber, start­ing in Nor­wich on 30th September.

The new album is a con­tin­u­a­tion of his last one, Some­thing ‘s About to Change.  I’m par­tic­u­lar­ly lov­ing title track Where You Are Going To which deliv­ers a slow and sexy vibe with vel­vety blues gui­tar; track three Back Where You Belong  starts with a Voodoo Chile vari­a­tion before a dri­ving bass line kicks in, to take the song into a sol­id rock­ing blues num­ber. And I’m Hold­ing on to You (ded­i­cat­ed to the mem­o­ry of Trow­er’s late wife) is mem­o­rable for its haunt­ing and wist­ful qual­i­ty. This is a strong col­lec­tion of songs which will sound great on the upcom­ing tour.

Spe­cial guest on all shows is Ste­vie Nim­mo. All tick­ets: £25.00 

24 Hour Box Office: 0844 478 0898, Book online:

Here’s where the tour heads:

Nor­wich Water­front                                                                                      Fri­day 30 September

Holm­firth Pic­ture­drome                                                                              Sat­ur­day 1 October

Man­ches­ter Roy­al North­ern Col­lege of Music Con­cert Hall         Thurs­day 6 October

Kendal Brew­ery Arts                                                                                      Fri­day 7 October

Chester Live Rooms                                                                                        Sat­ur­day 8 October

Gateshead Sage                                                                                               Mon­day 10 October

Glas­gow o2 ABC                                                                                               Tues­day 11 October

Stock­ton ARC                                                                                                     Wednes­day 12 October

Frome Cheese And Grain                                                                             Fri­day 14 October

Leam­ing­ton Assem­bly                                                                                   Sat­ur­day 15 October

Exeter Phoenix                                                                                                 Sun­day 16 October

Lon­don Isling­ton Assem­bly Hall                                                               Tues­day 18 October

Brighton Con­corde 2                                                                                      Wednes­day 19 October



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