Top albums and EPs 2021

This has been an abun­dant year for new music, hard­ly sur­pris­ing as artists were forced into lock­down, stuck in their hous­es / bed­rooms /studios with only synths and gui­tars for com­pa­ny. We’re delight­ed to bring you Gourmet Gigs’ favourites this year: a com­bi­na­tion of albums and an EP. A few long-await­­ed albums turned out to…

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Best albums of 2019

These are the 2019 albums that I have on restric­t­ed-play mode, in case I over­do it. These are best played when you’re on your own. No dis­trac­tions and no play­ing them as mood music in the back­ground – who wants some ran­dom per­son to sud­den­ly start talk­ing to you just as you get to the…

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Review: Beyond the Road: Journeys in Space and Sound

“Once you have walked the road, Every­thing becomes clear” So begins The Road: Part II, James Lavelle (UNKLE)‘s enig­mat­ic lat­est album, the sec­ond of a tril­o­gy. And spring­ing from this work is Beyond the Road, a mul­ti-sen­­so­ry exhi­bi­tion tak­ing place at the Saatchi Gallery, Lon­don. Through sound, film and visu­al effects you can take that…

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