Mem­branes added to Chameleons tour.

Look­ing way ahead, if you can bear to think of it, there’s the per­fect oppor­tu­ni­ty to leave pre-Xmas mania aside and dip into the warm cocoon of a local venue to see The Chameleons plus – for Lon­don and Man­ches­ter only – Membranes.

Pio­neer­ing post/punk band – CHAMELEONS – will be embark­ing on one of their biggest UK tours in decades this Win­ter. And the band are delight­ed to announce the addi­tion of the ‘very spe­cial guests’ who will be join­ing them at their Lon­don and Man­ches­ter shows… MEMBRANES. 

Formed in Greater Man­ches­ter in 1981 by singer and bassist Mark Burgess, Chameleons have remained one of the city’s most revered bands among musos ever since their incep­tion. With notable fans includ­ing the likes of Noel Gal­lagher to Inter­pol, The Char­la­tans to Moby, their music has been passed down through the generations. 

And Mem­branes – the post/punk project front­ed by John Robb (Gold­blade / Loud­er Than War) have been push­ing the bound­aries since their for­ma­tion in Black­pool in 1977. Releas­ing six stu­dio albums, the band released their lat­est acclaimed album in 2019, ‘What Nature Gives… Nature Takes Away’, which fea­tured a 20 piece choir. More recent­ly the band released the one-off sin­gle “Bor­ders Blurred”. Speak­ing about the upcom­ing shows, Mem­branes front­man John Robb says:

“There is some­thing remark­able about the Chameleons renais­sance. Most bands would be dusty relics at this point of the game but they have nev­er sound­ed more impas­sioned and cap­ti­vat­ing. This gig is a por­tal into two bands who still believe in the redemp­tive pow­er of music  and still cre­ate with a very north­ern post punk edge.”

Mem­branes will appear at O2 Shepherd’s Bush Empire and Manchester’s Albert Hall for this year’s annu­al home­com­ing ‘Home Is Where The Heart Is… 2024’. Remain­ing tick­ets on sale here.

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