The UK’s ulti­mate Goth­ic week­ender – TOMORROW’S GHOSTS FESTIVAL // HALLOWEEN GATHERING – will be back for Autumn 2024.Fol­low­ing the resound­ing sell-out suc­cess of last year, the annu­al goth fes­ti­val will return to its spir­i­tu­al home of Whit­by in the wake of Hal­loween once more and presents the first names on the bill. Across its three days (Fri­day 1st – Sun­day 3rd Novem­ber), the fes­ti­val is thrilled to con­firm head­line per­for­mances from one cel­e­brat­ed goth­ic fore­fa­ther, and the pin­na­cle of his most damned con­tem­po­rary proteges…

New­ly announced are Kata­to­nia, the Swedish grand seigneurs of gloom. The band has recent­ly released their exhil­a­rat­ing new album ‘Sky Void Of Stars’ and will be bring­ing it to Whit­by this Autumn.  KATATONIA con­tin­ue to be led by found­ing mem­bers Jonas Renkse and Anders Nys­tröm, with the cur­rent line-up of the band also fea­tur­ing Roger Öjer­s­son (gui­tar), Niklas Sandin (bass) and Daniel Moila­nen (drums).

On Fri­day 1st, CREEPER will be unfurl­ing a fright-fest to remem­ber fol­low­ing the run­away suc­cess of lat­est album ‘San­gui­v­ore’. Rid­ing high on an album that was laud­ed as Met­al Ham­mer’s No. 1 Album of the Year and Ker­rang!’s No.2; expect a freak­ish, future-fac­ing per­for­mance as Southampton’s vision­ary hell-rais­ers take the stage. And also IST IST, one of Man­ches­ter’s most cel­e­brat­ed post-punk out­fits of recent times, return to TOMORROW’S GHOSTS as guests of honour. 

The fol­low­ing night, head­lin­ers PETER HOOK & THE LIGHT will be tak­ing the genre back to the black­ened roots that began it all as they present a ‘Joy Divi­sion : A Cel­e­bra­tion’. Hooky and co. will be mak­ing their case by illu­mi­nat­ing the macabre mar­vels of clas­sic albums ‘Unknown Plea­sures’ and ‘Clos­er’ in their completion. 

Each night the head­lin­ers will be ably sup­port­ed by some very spe­cial guests. On Fri­day night, the fore­bod­ing tones of indus­tri­al Man­ches­ter will set the mood for the evening as IST IST, one of the city’s most cel­e­brat­ed post-punk out­fits of recent times, return as guests of hon­our. After their incen­di­ary set at the festival’s Spring Gath­er­ing in April 2023, expect to hear ele­ments of 2023 mas­ter­work ‘Pro­tag­o­nists’ along­side deep cuts from their cultish canon. 

Stay tuned for Saturday’s ‘very spe­cial guests’ to be con­firmed soon…

Across the week­end, TOMORROW’S GHOSTS // HALLOWEEN GATHERING’s spe­cial­ly curat­ed line-up will see bear­ers of the Goth­ic flag new-and-old rep­re­sent­ing at Whit­by. York­shire goth-rock orig­i­nals SKELETAL FAMILY will be remind­ing audi­ences of their essen­tial ear­ly works with choice picks from the likes of ‘Burn­ing Oil’ and ‘Futile Com­bat’, while also show­cas­ing work from 2023’s class come­back album ‘Light From The Dark’.

Else­where, BLACK DOLDRUMS will be blitz­ing sens­es with their “dark psych” cre­ations. Plus, open­ing the fes­ti­val on Fri­day, future stars and Loud­er Than War favourites THE GOSPEL will deliv­er an enrap­tur­ing per­for­mance. A super­group of sorts com­pris­ing Jim­my Sweet (Hot Hot Heat), Dan­ni McCor­ma­ck (Mel from hit 90’s TV series ‘My Par­ents Are Aliens’), Charis Ander­son (Curse Of Lono), Heather Bell (Nova Hawks), and Hazel Cotog­no (Poussez Posse), this unlike­ly com­bo make oth­er­world­ly syn­the­sis­er-addled goth­ic-gospel with more than a whiff of Nick Cave about them.

As per pre­vi­ous years, alt/rock DJ roy­al­ty CARPE NOCTUM will be burn­ing the mid­night oil and bring­ing the tunes. Around the site, atten­dees can also expect to see the Goth­ic and Alter­na­tive mar­kets, as well as oth­er spe­cial events.

Host­ed annu­al­ly at the Whit­by Pavil­ion, the town that saw Bram Stok­er gift the world with the orig­i­nal Goth­ic mas­ter­piece ‘Drac­u­la’, since 2018 TOMORROW’S GHOSTS HALLOWEEN GATHERING has earned its place as the UK’s ulti­mate goth­ic des­ti­na­tion fes­ti­val. The 2024 edi­tion of TOMORROW’S GHOSTS will be cel­e­brat­ing the very finest the dark arts have to offer with one of its most spec­tac­u­lar edi­tions yet.

* * * *


Fri­day Tick­ets are priced at £42.50 + BF
Sat­ur­day Tick­ets are priced at £42.50 + BF
Week­end Tick­ets are priced at £85.00 + BF

Gen­er­al Sale tick­ets avail­able now

Ages 8+
Under 14s to be accom­pa­nied by an adult over the age of 18 at all times. Over 18s only for after show club night events. Doors 6.00pm / Cur­few 2.00am

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