This week, the icon­ic Vic­to­ri­ous sign has once again appeared on South­sea seafront, ahead of fes­ti­val tick­ets going on sale. The phrase ‘We Miss You’ can be found across Cas­tle Field, the loca­tion of the fes­ti­val’s sec­ond main stage. His­tor­i­cal­ly, the Cas­tle Field sign has been a teas­er for artist announce­ments. How­ev­er, this year the let­ters are a sen­ti­ment from the Vic­to­ri­ous team to fes­ti­val goers to let them know that they are missed and to mark the August Bank hol­i­day weekend.

Keep an eye out on the Vic­to­ri­ous Fes­ti­val social media – they will be reflect­ing and shar­ing footage of the incred­i­ble years they have shared so far. There will also be the chance to enter some excit­ing com­pe­ti­tions with prizes to be enjoyed next Summer.

Stage at Victorious festival

The ‘We Miss You’ is a reminder that the Vic­to­ri­ous Team miss fes­ti­val goers and are busy work­ing away behind the scenes to return next August. 

Ear­ly Bird tick­ets are set to go on sale on Fri­day 28th August start­ing at just £30 a day. Check out the web­site for more details…

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