The inau­gur­al Brighton Psych Fest has plen­ty of excite­ment in store, with some of the most com­pelling acts on the live cir­cuit right now and it takes place across sev­er­al of Brighton’s most icon­ic and beloved venues includ­ing Con­corde 2, The Hope & Ruin, The Green Door Store and The Prince Albert.

The fes­ti­val has just announced that come­di­an and music fanat­ic Stew­art Lee will be curat­ing and pre­sent­ing a stage at the fes­ti­val. It’s the first time he’s done so for a music fes­ti­val in near­ly a decade. 

The mul­ti-venue Brighton Psych Fest, set to take place on 30th August, recent­ly announced their excel­lent sec­ond wave of artists includ­ing The Hor­rors, Pigs x7, New­Dad, Divorce, bdr­mm, SCALER (FKA SCALPING), La Luz, Girl and Girl, Mol­ly Pay­ton, The Bug Club and more.

Stewart’s stage – host­ed at Brighton’s Kome­dia – sees him bring an eso­teric touch to the festival’s line-up with an eclec­tic mix­ture musi­cians includ­ing The Physics House Band, The Bevis Frond, Eliza Skel­ton and more. On being asked to curate the stage Stew­art had this to say, “Brighton Psych Fest asked me to host and pro­gram a stage, which is reck­less of them as the last thing I curat­ed, the 2016 Prestatyn All Tomorrow’s Par­ties, went bust. And no, I didn’t get paid either. Nonethe­less, here’s a mind-melt­ing day out of acid-hued action from five of my favourite acts, with min­i­mal onstage inter­rup­tions from me.” He con­tin­ues “I’ve tried to skew the selec­tion towards Brighton and Hast­ings tal­ent because some­times we don’t always acknowl­edge the genius­es on our own doorsteps.”

From the minds behind Brighton’s lead­ing inde­pen­dent pro­mot­er JOY. Con­certs as well as the for­mi­da­ble team behind huge­ly pop­u­lar music and arts fes­ti­vals Man­ches­ter Psych Fest and Edin­burgh Psych Fest comes an excit­ing, brand new ven­ture fur­ther south: Brighton Psych Fest. 

Brighton Psych Fest 30th August 2014

Pho­to of Stew­art Lee: Jody Hartley

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