A Moonless Night album and film by Snowapple

The women-led col­lec­tive Snowap­ple has been on cre­ative over­drive this year, now releas­ing an album and film project called A Moon­less Night. Inter­na­tion­al in mem­bers and in out­look, Snowap­ple has been togeth­er since 2013, with a pro­lif­ic out­put that has seen them involved with a mul­ti­tude of projects: move­ment, the­atre, mime, pup­petry, music, singing, poetry,…

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Womex Festival, Manchester 23–28th October

Man­ches­ter icon DJ Paulette to host Open­ing Night Con­cert. There are plen­ty of excit­ing events at the 30th edi­tion of WOMEX Fes­ti­val, tak­ing place in Man­ches­ter lat­er this month. WOMEX (World­wide Music Expo), gives music fans a unique oppor­tu­ni­ty to access this pres­ti­gious music indus­try event, and dis­cov­er over 50 live acts from across the world…

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New Shirley Baker online exhibition “Pavement Cracks”

Unseen Vin­tage Street Pho­tographs  Online Exhi­bi­tion: 24th Sep­tem­ber – 1st Novem­ber 2024.  The Cen­tre for British Pho­tog­ra­phy is hold­ing a new online exhi­bi­tion of street pho­tog­ra­ph­er Shirley Bak­er’s images. Tak­ing its name from a recur­ring motif in Lemn Sissay’s poem Flags, Pave­ment Cracks unveils pre­vi­ous­ly unseen images cap­tured by Shirley, tak­en in and around Man­ches­ter. The Cen­tre’s…

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Art Garfunkel and son Art Jnr release Time After Time

Art Gar­funkel and his son Art Gar­funkel Jnr have just released the first sin­gle Time After Time (orig­i­nal­ly per­formed by Cyn­di Lau­per) from their upcom­ing album. Their first col­lab­o­ra­tive stu­dio album. ‘Father and Son’ is set for release on Novem­ber 8, 2024, via BMG. The album com­pris­es a set of cov­ers album – a selec­tion of…

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Phildel performs at Karma Sanctum hotel

A Phildel gig is a rare thing indeed and when they do hap­pen, you can be sure of expe­ri­enc­ing some­thing orig­i­nal and mul­ti-sen­­so­ry. This lat­est show was an immer­sive expe­ri­ence replete with detail and sur­prise touch­es – we escaped to the woods with Phildel, her chil­dren hand­ing out aro­mat­ic leaves for ther­a­peu­tic effect and biscuits…

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The Pastels cover The Go! Team

To cel­e­brate 20 years since The Go! Team’s clas­sic album Thun­der, Light­ning, Strike, the band have asked a range of artists they love and admire to remix, rework and refash­ion tracks from the album, with a new one being released month­ly. So far we’ve seen reworks by Los Bitchos, Cor­ner­shop, Louie Zong, lilien rosar­i­an and…

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Review: Emita Ox, second album by Hello Mary

The New York City-based, all-female indie trio Hel­lo Mary came togeth­er in 2019 – they’ve been build­ing a name for them­selves the US and are cur­rent­ly dip­ping their toe in the UK live cir­cuit. Hele­na Straight (guitar/vocals), Stel­la Wave (drums/vocals), and Mikaela Oppen­heimer (bass) are amass­ing plen­ty of inter­est with their fuzzed-out tracks that incorporate,…

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Thoughts on summer festivals 2024

It’s Sep­tem­ber and sum­mer is retreat­ing fast. This is what End of the Road fes­ti­val in Dorset is all about – offer­ing one final chance to prance about in a field, choose food from a won­der­ful array of ven­dors, chat to just about any­one, and queue up for the toi­let with a cup of sawdust.…

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Hello Mary to release second album Emita Ox 13th September

Ahead of the release of their sec­ond album Emi­ta Ox on Sep­tem­ber 13th via Frenchkiss Records, the young New York-based trio Hel­lo Mary have start­ed a run of shows in the UK. Their first was at End of the Road where they absolute­ly nailed it on stage and the crowd’s reac­tion and ensu­ing merch queue hinted…

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More names for Favourite Days festival – The Howlers, Arxx, Balancing Act and more

Favourite Days, the brand new Liv­er­pool fes­ti­val, adds new names to its ros­ter.  On 7 Novem­ber, The Howlers will head­line the Kaz Stock­room. The Lon­don desert-rock­­ers have carved out a fierce rep­u­ta­tion as one of the UK’s most thrilling live acts. The fol­low­ing night, Arxx bring their unpre­dictable and enthralling prowess to town. Bag a tick­et for Jacaran­da Baltic…

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