Interview with modular synth artist TDC Tunes

TDC Tunes is a mod­u­lar artist and pro­duc­er based in Lon­don; he curates unique elec­tron­ic events at an atmos­pher­ic north Lon­don venue and has sev­er­al oth­er projects on the go. Gourmet Gigs met up with him to find out more… How did your love for mod­u­lar synths start? Did you play an instru­ment at school? Yes,…

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Callis: new single and tour dates plus mini interview

The Tod­mor­den band Cal­lis made an impres­sion on us when their first sin­gle called Dra­maskin came to our atten­tion ear­li­er this year. So it’s wel­come news to hear the band reveal their sec­ond sin­gle, called Dream Sequence, today. The track will also fea­ture on the band’s upcom­ing EP, set to be released in Feb­ru­ary 2024.  Callis…

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LIINES: interview at Bearded Theory festival

Man­ches­ter band LIINES played a blis­ter­ing set on Sun­day 29th at Beard­ed The­o­ry fes­ti­val – the crowd was obvi­ous­ly lov­ing it – and there’s plen­ty of social media com­ments that indi­cate they’ve gained a raft of new fans. I was thrilled to catch up with Zoe McVeigh (vocals/guitar) and Leila O’Sul­li­van (drums) after they came…

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Interview with German producer Titus Waldner

We inter­view Titus Wald­ner to find out more about his new track Palm­spree and dis­cov­er what is next for the young Ger­man pro­duc­er.  Hi there. Could you tell us about your­self and your music. And how long have you been work­ing on your music? Where and how did you train?I am a trained clas­si­cal pianist…

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Vanishing Point: Richard Walters and Pølaroit

Some­times a fusion between two seem­ing­ly dif­fer­ent and dis­parate ele­ments can pro­duce some­thing that radi­ates a new and unique ener­gy. The new­ly released track Van­ish­ing Point is a case in point. One half of this col­lab­o­ra­tion is Richard Wal­ters: solo singer song­writer and a band mem­ber of LYR with poet lau­re­ate Simon Armitage. He teamed…

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Interview with singer songwriter Richard Walters

With five crit­i­cal­ly acclaimed albums and four EPs to his name since 2007, singer song­writer Richard Wal­ters is noth­ing if not pro­lif­ic. And now the solo artist is on the cusp of releas­ing a dig­i­tal sin­gle called The Man I Loved from his upcom­ing EP in Jan­u­ary 2022. There are fur­ther strings to his bow:…

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Interview: Anna Demetriou – from movies to music

Anna Demetri­ou is an estab­lished actress who starred in the film Viking Des­tiny. Along­side her act­ing career she has been writ­ing her own songs and now, with the help of pro­duc­er Tom E Mor­ri­son, is launch­ing her singing career. What prompt­ed your move into music? Was this a dream you’ve been har­bour­ing for a while?…

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KIN release dreamy ‘Wander and Lost’ single and video

Inter­view with KIN band mem­ber Grace Strick­land de Souza, on the day of the release of their new sin­gle and video Wan­der and Lost. Cre­ative female-focused band KIN are keep­ing things rolling dur­ing lock­down. The Lon­­don-based trio release the new sin­gle Wan­der and Lost today along with a gor­geous­ly atmos­pher­ic video. The mul­ti-tal­en­t­ed band are…

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Synthwave duo Affair are back for 2020

After eight years of silence, euphor­ic syn­th­wave duo Affair release a new EP called Clouds; the sin­gle tak­en from it, High­er Still, dropped at the end of August. A cer­tain amount of mys­tery shrouds Affair who were, near­ly a decade ago, on the cusp of sign­ing after a flur­ry of inter­est in their sound by…

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Re-release of Believe by Bliss plus new video

Bliss band’s Rachel Mor­ri­son and Tom E Mor­ri­son have just rere­leased Believe (Let the Love Shine In), mix 2020. Accom­pa­ny­ing the song is an uplift­ing video cre­at­ed by Tom, enhanced with gor­geous­ly psy­che­del­ic touch­es – and check out those singing sun­flow­ers… I chat­ted to Rachel about mak­ing the re-release of Believe and the cou­ple’s lockdown…

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