Re-release of Believe by Bliss plus new video

Bliss band’s Rachel Mor­ri­son and Tom E Mor­ri­son have just rere­leased Believe (Let the Love Shine In), mix 2020. Accom­pa­ny­ing the song is an uplift­ing video cre­at­ed by Tom, enhanced with gor­geous­ly psy­che­del­ic touch­es – and check out those singing sun­flow­ers… I chat­ted to Rachel about mak­ing the re-release of Believe and the cou­ple’s lockdown…

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Interview with Isle of Wight band As We Leave

Four-piece band As We Leave has just released their new sin­gle via Abbey Records called Sto­ries We Tell – it’s a shim­mery and nos­­tal­­gia-laden ode to sum­mer, replete with the feel­ings the sea­son can con­jure. The band’s mem­bers all grew up on the Isle of Wight where they formed their strong friend­ship bonds at school…

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Sweet and sad times: an interview with singer songwriter Luca Wilding

On the release of his debut sin­gle Heartachers, Luca Wild­ing took time out for an inter­view. Released today via Abbey Records, Heartachers is a poignant and emo­tion­al song with a strong depth of feel­ing. It is described as ‘dream folk’ which does go some way to pin­ning a genre on to Luca’s unique and thoughtful…

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Interview with Leeds art-rock band Fehlt

The first track I heard by art rock­ers Fehlt was Clo­sure and it had an instant appeal. Lik­ing that first lis­ten can go one of two ways: it might stick with you or it might just be a brief flir­ta­tion. For­tu­nate­ly it’s the for­mer and the con­fi­dent, expan­sive, sound­scapey lush­ness of Clo­sure, out now via…

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Interview: The Lounge Society

There must be some­thing in the water, or the ale, in West York­shire’s Calder Val­ley these days, judg­ing by the sur­feit of young musi­cal tal­ent ema­nat­ing from the crag­gy moors and val­leys around Heb­den Bridge. Oth­er fac­tors that play a part are a clued up, sup­port­ive net­work and a hand­ful of local venues will­ing to…

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One Day, After School new release

Out today is the impres­sive new release by One Day, After School enti­tled Are You Awake? It’s a melan­cholic track in which the vocals, left low in the mix, act like an anchor in the mul­ti-lay­ered com­po­si­tion. It starts from a soli­tary piano note through to a nervy clock tick­ing sound before the track starts…

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Featured single of the week: Crazy Enough by Pattern Pusher

They sup­port­ed Wolf Alice and Super­grass in 2019, scaled the heights of the BBC6 Music playlist and even have a Robert Plant con­nec­tion. The band in ques­tion is Pat­tern Push­er, who I saw at Beard­ed The­o­ry fes­ti­val last year and was impressed by their upbeat, funky set, skit­ter­ing sum­mer beats and beau­ti­ful bass lines. Now the…

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Interview: Bliss are back with a tour and re-release

Bliss are back. First there was the stun­ning per­for­mance at Nam­buc­ca in north Lon­don ear­li­er this year, with for­mer mem­bers Rachel Mor­ri­son and Tom E Mor­ri­son on top form – along with their new Brazil­ian band. Fired up with enthu­si­asm after such a great response, the cou­ple have been hard at work mak­ing things happen.…

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After Bluedot: 5 mins with Working Men’s Club

I man­aged to catch five min­utes with Work­ing Men’s Club after their set at Blue­dot last Sat­ur­day. They’ve been in Sheffield doing a record­ing ses­sion, attend­ing pho­to­shoots, left to head off to Lat­i­tude… and they’re now on to Port Eliot fes­ti­val. Busy busy. The in-depth inter­view is going to have to wait. Q Hi Jake, that…

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