The Smashing Pumpkins summer tour dates
With speĀcial guests: SKUNK ANANSIE (LONDON AND COLCHESTER DATES ONLY) WHITE LIES The SmashĀing PumpĀkins have announced a series of major UK headĀline shows as part of their Aghori tour this August to four incredĀiĀble venues with Skunk AnanĀsie (LonĀdon and ColchĀester dates only) and post-punk indie band White Lies. They will be live in Londonā¦
Read MoreUK Decay to play at Tomorrowās Ghosts ā tickets nearly sold out
In 2025, the greatĀest GothĀic weekĀender in the north will be back. ComĀpletĀing that line-up today, the fesĀtiĀval conĀfirms the addiĀtion of its final actā¦ UK DECAY. Formed in Luton in 1979, UK Decay built a large and dedĀiĀcatĀed interĀnaĀtionĀal fan base on the back of politĀiĀcalĀly charged, thunĀderĀous releasĀes, and high intenĀsiĀty gigs. Described as āThe Cultā¦
Read MoreGoldkimono releases new track Lifetime plus video
Dutch artist GoldĀkiĀmono (MarĀtiĀjn āTienusā KoniĀjĀnenĀburg) has just released a comĀpelling new sinĀgle called LifeĀtime via Camp Kimono Records. The overĀall feel of LifeĀtime is decepĀtive. GoldĀkiĀmono presents us with an upliftĀing track infused with a pleasĀingĀly chunky rhythm and sunĀny riffs but thereās a broodĀing layĀer of more seriĀous thoughts going on behind the scenes. Saysā¦
Read More#IVW25 at The Trades: Ryley Walker, LIFE, The Lounge Society, Ibibio Sound Machine, Sun King
If you spent last month hudĀdled under a duvet, IndeĀpenĀdent Venue Week at the end of JanĀuĀary is always the perĀfect way to dive straight back into gig life. The #IVW iniĀtiaĀtive sheds light on the chalĀlenges faced by grassĀroots venues, urgĀing us all to show supĀport, ābuy a fuckĀing tickĀetā, shell out for someā¦
Read MoreSparks release single, reveal album and tour
Sparks fans have plenĀty to be hapĀpy about in 2025. The brothĀers Ron and RusĀsell Mael have a new sinĀgle out and thereās news about a tour and album to come. TickĀets go on genĀerĀal sale on FriĀday 7th FebĀruĀary. PreĀsales start WednesĀday 5th FebĀruĀary. Sparks new sinĀgle is called Do Things My Own Way ā by way ofā¦
Read MoreDaylight music: coffee, cakes and one hot chip
Gigs durĀing the dayĀtime are such a great idea. Instead of the usuĀal beers and warm white wine, at an event run by DayĀlight Music you can enjoy a cup of tea, deliĀcious home made cakes, plus quiche and sausage rolls ā thereās also a selecĀtion of chilĀdrenās drinks too. Then spend a couĀple ofā¦
Read MoreThe Bowie Show at Golders Green Hippodrome
The Bowie Show last night at the GoldĀers Green HipĀpoĀdrome was a bit of a leap into the unknown ā both in terms of the venue and the perĀforĀmance. HowĀevĀer creĀative direcĀtor Simon Gwilliamās vision shone brilĀliantĀly, brought to life by his Goon Squad: a young, vibrant cast of musiĀcians and dancers with techĀniĀcal skillā¦
Read MoreAmbient Folk Artist We Are All Fossils Set to Release āRaptureā
South African artist Deist Oelofse, known by his stage name We Are All FosĀsils, creĀates music described as ambiĀent folk. He is set to release a sinĀgle on JanĀuĀary 24th, offerĀing lisĀtenĀers the first peek of his third album, schedĀuled to debut this sumĀmer. The new numĀber, called RapĀture, was inspired by the DurĀban bornā¦
Read MoreHuey Morgan set to tour this spring
Huey MorĀgan the fun lovinā crimĀiĀnal has announced a spring tour. ReturnĀing to live music in 2025, forĀmer Fun Lovinā CrimĀiĀnalsā frontĀman & guiĀtarist Huey MorĀgan will be tourĀing UK venues this Spring with his brand new band: HUEY MORGAN: THE FUN LOVINā CRIMINAL. His upcomĀing dates in May will feaĀture a mixĀture of FLCā¦
Read MoreLimited Tickets for AW62 at Golden Lion ā April 4ā6
TickĀets are sellĀing fast for AW62 at the GoldĀen Lion in TodĀmorĀden, takĀing place over three nights: FriĀday 4th, SatĀurĀday 5th and SunĀday 6th of April, 6:00pm til 11:30pm. There are a numĀber of artists playĀing over the three nights: David Holmes, Richard FearĀless, FanĀtasĀtic Twins, Scott FrasĀer, DunĀcan Gray, Matt Hum, FPE DJs, Adrianā¦
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