New Shirley Baker online exhibition “Pavement Cracks”

Unseen Vin­tage Street Pho­tographs  Online Exhi­bi­tion: 24th Sep­tem­ber – 1st Novem­ber 2024.  The Cen­tre for British Pho­tog­ra­phy is hold­ing a new online exhi­bi­tion of street pho­tog­ra­ph­er Shirley Bak­er’s images. Tak­ing its name from a recur­ring motif in Lemn Sissay’s poem Flags, Pave­ment Cracks unveils pre­vi­ous­ly unseen images cap­tured by Shirley, tak­en in and around Man­ches­ter. The Cen­tre’s…

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Shirley Baker film “Life Through A Lens” premiere in May

A new film about pho­tog­ra­ph­er Shirley Bak­er is to be unveiled soon. Shirley Bak­er: Life Through a Lens, is the first fea­ture length doc­u­men­tary devot­ed to Shirley’s life and work, and will take place on May 18th at the Cen­tre for British Pho­tog­ra­phy, Jermyn St, Lon­don W1. Shirley Bak­er: Life Through a Lens is writ­ten and produced…

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Acid Jazz residencies touring exhibition

Acid Jazz & Oth­er Illic­it Grooves record label cel­e­brates 35 years of trail­blaz­ing music with a series of res­i­den­cies, tour­ing loca­tions across the UK where Acid Jazz was arguably the strongest influ­ence, in Birm­ing­ham, Leeds, Lon­don, Bris­tol and Luton The music, arts, dance & cul­ture exhi­bi­tion will host exclu­sive Q&As with Acid Jazz stal­warts of the scene,…

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The Centre for British Photography opens in London

This week we attend­ed the pre­view of the new Cen­tre for British Pho­tog­ra­phy on Jermyn Street, in the cen­tre of Lon­don. It is an excit­ing new devel­op­ment and one that feels right for pho­tog­ra­phy now, cel­e­brat­ing and doc­u­ment­ing the past while also mak­ing a deter­mined effort to invest in and be a part of its…

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Beans on Toast with new album and books for kids

I expect that Beans on Toast, the pop­u­lar folky fes­ti­val artist, will be ton­ing down the sweary lan­guage in his new series of chil­dren’s books. Called The Fas­ci­nat­ing Adven­tures Of Lit­tle Bee, the books will be com­ing out in time for Christ­mas, launch­ing on Decem­ber 1st, and there’s an accom­pa­ny­ing album too. Beans on Toast –…

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Julian Lennon presents NFT featuring Imagine

For the super techie amongst you, here’s an exclu­sive NFT, along with a char­i­ta­ble dona­tion to Ukraine. Yel­low­Heart, the NFT mar­ket­place for music, tick­et­ing and com­mu­ni­ty tokens, which accepts both cryp­to and cred­it card pay­ments, will release an exclu­sive NFT of Julian Lennon’s first record­ing of his father’s beloved song, “Imag­ine.” A por­tion of the…

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Sparks on the beach by Simon Beck

A giant image of the Mael broth­ers Ron and Rus­sell, aka Sparks, has been carved into the sand on Bre­an beach, Som­er­set. The work was cre­at­ed by Simon Beck who was moved to cre­ate the impres­sive work to cel­e­brate the release of the new film about the two, called The Sparks Broth­ers. Simon Beck, a…

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ODAS present new EP and West Yorkshire shows

ODAS music project found­ed by Dean Free­man, releas­es their sec­ond EP on July 12th. Called The Film Between The Takes EP2 the four-track instru­men­tal work fol­lows EP1 which saw its release in Jan­u­ary this year. What ini­tial­ly appealed to me about West York­shire based ODAS (for­mer­ly One Day, After School) was their con­nec­tion with poetry –…

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‘On Edge’ dynamic theatre and Parkour to highlight modern slavery

The excit­ing out­door the­atre pro­duc­tion On Edge is now out of lock­down and back on tour. The show is a unique and genre-defy­ing blend of per­for­mance skills, superbly ener­getic and engag­ing, mak­ing this a ground­break­ing piece of the­atre. Dance, cir­cus skills, pup­petry and park­our con­verge in this piece with a mes­sage: to high­light the issue…

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The tigers that came to Stroud Green

While the coun­try’s gal­leries and art spaces have been closed, it has been incum­bent upon artists to find more inge­nious ways to dis­play their work. Some­one who has been bring­ing artis­tic enjoy­ment and a sense of com­mu­ni­ty to his neigh­bour­hood for sev­er­al years is artist and art project organ­is­er Ahmed Farooqui, togeth­er with his partner…

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