A giant image of the Mael broth­ers Ron and Rus­sell, aka Sparks, has been carved into the sand on Bre­an beach, Som­er­set. The work was cre­at­ed by Simon Beck who was moved to cre­ate the impres­sive work to cel­e­brate the release of the new film about the two, called The Sparks Broth­ers.

Simon Beck, a land artist, works with a rake and a mag­net­ic com­pass. Simon cre­at­ed his first design on snow (by run­ning in snow shows) in the Alps in 2004, they are shim­mer­ing geo­met­ric images with a beau­ti­ful­ly tac­tile qual­i­ty. His first sand design was in 2014. The draw­ing of Sparks is Simon’s 175th design on the beach.

The upcom­ing film is direct­ed by Edgar Wright (Baby Dri­ver, Shaun of The Dead, Hot Fuzz) and it explores the career of the influ­en­tial band. 

The Mael broth­ers were impressed by Simon’s work, say­ing, ”We’ve seen fan art, Sparks tat­toos, Sparks fash­ion design, Sparks cos­play, etc., etc., but this is absolute­ly amaz­ing in its scope and ambition.

“The remote­ness of the loca­tion and the tem­po­ral qual­i­ty of the beach sand draw­ings only adds to the sheer stun­ning head shak­ing qual­i­ty of it all. Yikes. Com­ing soon to a beach near you.” 

Sparks are cur­rent­ly work­ing on a new stu­dio album and will be on tour in 2022.


Pho­tog­ra­phy © Simon Beck

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