Choses Sauvages new single “En Joue”

High ener­gy post-punk band Choses Sauvages are from Mon­tréal, Cana­da. The six-piece out­fit have built quite a fear­some rep­u­ta­tion for their live per­for­mances – pow­er­ful, explo­sive and dance-heavy. With two albums under their belt, Chose Sauvages have just unveiled a new sin­gle called En Joue. En Joue exhibits all the hall­marks of the band’s dance-punk…

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Review: Scions and the mysterious To Cry Out in the Wilderness

On rare occa­sions, a piece of music is released that exists in a sphere of its own, defi­ant­ly unique and refus­ing to be slot­ted into this or that genre. Some­thing that stops you in your tracks. The just-released To Cry Out in the Wilder­ness by Scions on Idée Fixe Records is such an album, a…

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Phildel performs at Karma Sanctum hotel

A Phildel gig is a rare thing indeed and when they do hap­pen, you can be sure of expe­ri­enc­ing some­thing orig­i­nal and mul­ti-sen­­so­ry. This lat­est show was an immer­sive expe­ri­ence replete with detail and sur­prise touch­es – we escaped to the woods with Phildel, her chil­dren hand­ing out aro­mat­ic leaves for ther­a­peu­tic effect and biscuits…

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Review: Emita Ox, second album by Hello Mary

The New York City-based, all-female indie trio Hel­lo Mary came togeth­er in 2019 – they’ve been build­ing a name for them­selves the US and are cur­rent­ly dip­ping their toe in the UK live cir­cuit. Hele­na Straight (guitar/vocals), Stel­la Wave (drums/vocals), and Mikaela Oppen­heimer (bass) are amass­ing plen­ty of inter­est with their fuzzed-out tracks that incorporate,…

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Joe Goddard shares a track from his upcoming album “Harmonics”

There’s a new album called Har­mon­ics on its way by Hot Chip front­man Joe God­dard. It’s still a while till the release date of July 12th but there’s a tasty morsel just dropped in the form of a track and video to pique our inter­est – pre­vi­ous­ly shared is the track New World with Fiorious.…

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Review: Elephant Stone new album Back Into the Dream

Start­ing with a base point of indie-psych, Cana­di­an out­fit Ele­phant Stone’s sound radi­ates out, mor­ph­ing along the way into oth­er gen­res. Rishi Dhir, the band’s front man, sitar and bass play­er plus pro­lif­ic song­writer, remains stead­fast­ly at the helm, con­tin­u­ing to steer their sound in mul­ti­ple direc­tions – not least of all the con­cept album,…

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Seafoam Green headline at The Lexington – photos

It’s not been easy to get to see the rous­ing Amer­i­cana band Seafoam Green play live, but Dave O’Grady and Muire­ann McDer­mott Long made two appear­ances in Lon­don last week­end. They head­lined a packed out Lex­ing­ton (good to see the place so full on a Mon­day night) and they real­ly rocked.  The line­up also included…

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Magnetic Skies at The Lexington

Pho­tos of the gig at The Lex­ing­ton where Mag­net­ic Skies appeared, show­cas­ing their debut album Empire Falling.  Pho­tos from the event Mag­net­ic Skies Face­book / The Lexington /

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Electronic in the Tower#4, TDC Tunes analogue synths, poetry and visuals

TDC Tunes elec­tron­i­ca night at The Inti­mate Space – per­haps the small­est venue in the UK. You can only seat 25 in the atmos­pher­ic church tow­er in Hornsey, north Lon­don so this might be true.  Open­ing the evening was ana­log lep­er with a dra­mat­ic piece that sound­ed like a rag­ing storm. Jee­van S Khaira recit­ed some…

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Llais 23 Both Sides Now Joni Mitchell tribute concert

It was time­ly and fit­ting to hold a trib­ute to Joni Mitchell at Llais 23, the Fes­ti­val of Voice, tak­ing place at the beau­ti­ful Wales Mil­len­ni­um Cen­tre in Cardiff. Joni remains one of the most tal­ent­ed and unique artists of the past few decades, and her vocals and extra­or­di­nary tal­ent for writ­ing poignant and poetic…

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