The Fins­bury pub and music venue has been qui­et­ly get­ting on with host­ing music prac­ti­cal­ly every night for many years and it’s sur­pris­ing how many local(ish) peo­ple just don’t know about its exis­tence. I became a con­vert after The Bed­room Hour played there and that was back in 2014. Apart from the music there’s a spa­cious open ter­race out at the front which, for the gig below on a rare sum­mery eve, felt almost Mediterranean.

On Fri­day we saw three fine artists – Per­cy Rico, Lux­u­ry Goods and Nat­suma (top). Per­cy Rico opened – front man Gabe has also played with sev­er­al dif­fer­ent artists, quite recent­ly with ris­ing coun­try star Sime­on Ham­mond Dal­las, at the O2 Shep­herd’s Bush Empire. Tonight he was with his own band and he played a cool set of his own jazz-influ­enced material. 

Lux­u­ry Goods are from Sheffield; this is their sec­ond Lon­don gig and sec­ond time at The Fins­bury. They have a num­ber of catchy tunes under their belt, and Leonie’s vocals are pow­er­ful, deliv­er­ing their alt-pop set with panache. There’s a mem­o­rable song about periods.

Nat­suma’s nu-soul set reminds me of Green­tea Peng; a voice of superb range and emo­tion­al con­nec­tion. Her bass play­er is hyp­not­ic too. It was alto­geth­er an extreme­ly tight and pro­fes­sion­al set.

The Fins­bury, Lon­don N4.
Per­cy Rico | Lux­u­ry Goods | Nat­suma

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