Lon­don based band Firesta­tions have just released their lat­est sin­gle called ‘Under­cov­er’. It is released on Lost Map Records on 25th April. It’s the first sin­gle tak­en from their forth­com­ing album ‘Thick Ter­rain’, out 14th July, and is, the band say, “an effer­ves­cent pop song about depres­sion and self-dis­cov­ery”. The band con­sists of Michael Cran­ny, Lau­ra Copsey, Mar­tin Thomp­son, Tom Har­g­reaves and Neil Walsh. Togeth­er they make music span­ning gen­res from shoegazey indie to synth pop and har­mo­ny-dri­ven psychedelia. 

Lis­ten to Under­cov­er here

Firesta­tions are a big favourite of ours with their shim­mer­ing, alt-pop sound. They man­age to cre­ate a hazy land­scape, replete with thought­ful and inci­sive lyrics, the sooth­ing har­monies of Mike Cran­ny and Lau­ra Copsey some­times mask­ing the melan­cho­lia of their words. Under­cov­er is a del­i­cate and reflec­tive track, a hazy reflec­tion on over­com­ing dif­fi­cult per­son­al times. 

Their last release was the 2021 EP tril­o­gy Auto­mat­ic Ten­den­cies, which gar­nered exten­sive sup­port from BBC 6 Music includ­ing repeat plays from Gideon Coe, Cerys Matthews, Rad­cliffe & Maconie and in par­tic­u­lar Marc Riley, who hailed the track ‘Small Island’ as “a per­fect pop song”.

Firesta­tions are appear­ing live at The Cavendish Arms, 18th May, 2023. 

Firesta­tions release Under­cov­er, 25th April on Lost Map Records. Album Thick Ter­rain will be released on lim­it­ed-edi­tion 12” vinyl and dig­i­tal plat­forms on July 14, 2023.
Firesta­tions | Face­book |

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