Indie-folk musi­cian Hazlett has just released his lat­est sin­gle called Shiv­er, tak­en from his upcom­ing EP, out 4th Octo­ber. This com­pletes his Good­bye to the Val­ley Low project.

Shiv­er imme­di­ate­ly puts you into a con­tem­pla­tive and rest­ful head­space. Hazlet­t’s vocal style is wist­ful and steady, at times almost whis­pery, but there’s a strong emo­tive pull. The track has a sim­ple arrange­ment and intri­cate acoustic gui­tar fin­ger­pick­ing while the lyrics pon­der over the dif­fi­cul­ty of mak­ing the right choic­es in life. Hope­ful­ly Shiv­er will lead to you seek­ing out more of his com­po­si­tions; they exude a gen­tle, atmos­pher­ic qual­i­ty that is com­pelling and his lyrics dis­play a dis­arm­ing hon­esty and openness.

Hazlett says about Shiv­er, ‘I’ve always had this tug-o-war in my head of how much con­trol do I real­ly have of my life? Do I have to be pet­ri­fied of every deci­sion I make? Or do I just say what­ev­er will be will be and sit back? I think to some extent what­ev­er path we take life has a fun­ny way of tak­ing us to our des­ti­na­tion any­way. But that only hap­pens when we’re led by our gut, we have good inten­tions and we’re not scared to make the wrong choice. Some­times it is just about choos­ing a door to open and being irra­tional­ly con­fi­dent that the uni­verse will guide you to where you need to go either way.’ 

Record­ed in an off-grid cab­in in the mid­dle of Scan­di­navia, the first part of Good­bye to the Val­ley Low was released late last year. It’s a stripped-back col­lec­tion of del­i­cate indie-folk songs. Hazlett was inspired to revis­it the cab­in, know­ing there was more to explore. This new EP with six brand new songs com­pletes the project, which togeth­er with the first EP, makes one cohe­sive album.

The songs are once again exquis­ite­ly lay­ered, the musi­cal­i­ty is rich, the tracks are time­less and Hazlett’s hushed vocals enthral across the 6 tracks. 

Truth be told there was nev­er meant to be a Side B to Good­bye to the Val­ley Low, but the more that I tried mov­ing on from it the more I kept get­ting pulled back,’ Hazlett explains.‘ I think being out there in the cab­in brought out a lot of ini­tial feel­ings that I worked through and then after that I was left with all these half thoughts and feel­ings that need­ed a lit­tle more work to fig­ure out. Which might be why it sounds a lit­tle bit dark­er at times. If Side A was the curios­i­ty of the cab­in then Side B is work­ing through all the ques­tions that it left behind.

Hazlett was born and raised in Aus­tralia but has bloomed in Swe­den. Every­thing crys­tallised in Stock­holm after find­ing the fabled col­lab­o­ra­tor chem­istry in now close friend Fred­dy Alexan­der. A lot has changed since then and what start­ed as a way for him to “fig­ure out some things in his head…” has now become a whole world of music and beau­ti­ful details to move through.

08.11.2024 – Barcelona, ES @ Razzmatazz 3
09.11.2024 – Madrid, ES @ Clam­ores
11.11.2024 – Stock­holm, SE @ Debas­er Strand
14.11.2024 – Oslo, NO @ Belleville
16.11.2024 – Copen­hagen, DK @ Sten­gade
17.11.2024 – Ham­burg, DE @ Nochtwach
18.11.2024 – Ams­ter­dam, NL @ Par­adiso (Upstairs Room) SOLD OUT
19.11.2024 – Antwerp, NL @ Kav­ka
21.11.2024 – Lon­don, UK @ Lafayette *upgrad­ed from Omeara
22.11.2024 – Bris­tol, UK @ Dare­shack *upgrad­ed from The Louisiana
23.11.2024 – Man­ches­ter, UK @ Deaf Insti­tute
24.11.2024 – Dublin, IE @ Grand Social
26.11.2024 – Glas­gow, UK @ Glad Cafe
27.11.2024 – Birm­ing­ham, UK @ Hare and Hounds
29.11.2024 – Paris, FR @ Back­stage by the Mill
01.12.2024 – Cologne, DE @ Jaki
02.12.2024 – Frank­furt, DE @ Sankt Peter Cafe
03.12.2024 – Munich, DE @ Mil­la
04.12.2024 – Rubi­gen, CH @ Müh­le Hun­ziken
05.12.2024 – Zurich, CH @ Exil
07.12.2024 – Vien­na, AT @ Chelsea
08.12.2024 – Prague, CZ @ Cafe V Lese
09.12.2024 – Berlin, DE @ Pri­vat Club

Pho­to: Masterduck

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