Fat Dog unleash single Peace Song plus video

The lat­est track to drop from ebul­lient ravey band Fat Dog is Peace Song – arriv­ing just in time for, yes, Xmas, and that’s our first men­tion of it this for this year. Direc­tor James Ogram over­sees the video with the band start­ing out in the pub just before an apoc­a­lyp­tic announce­ment on TV… and…

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W. H. Lung unveils album Every Inch of Earth Pulsates

Some bands are meant to be seen live and W H Lung is right up there. The ener­gy that bounces from stage to crowd and back again is elec­tric, espe­cial­ly with dynam­ic and expres­sive front man Jo Evans prowl­ing the stage. For their third album, Every Inch of Earth Pul­sates, it’s that live expe­ri­ence that…

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Art Garfunkel and son Art Jnr release Time After Time

Art Gar­funkel and his son Art Gar­funkel Jnr have just released the first sin­gle Time After Time (orig­i­nal­ly per­formed by Cyn­di Lau­per) from their upcom­ing album. Their first col­lab­o­ra­tive stu­dio album. ‘Father and Son’ is set for release on Novem­ber 8, 2024, via BMG. The album com­pris­es a set of cov­ers album – a selec­tion of…

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The Pastels cover The Go! Team

To cel­e­brate 20 years since The Go! Team’s clas­sic album Thun­der, Light­ning, Strike, the band have asked a range of artists they love and admire to remix, rework and refash­ion tracks from the album, with a new one being released month­ly. So far we’ve seen reworks by Los Bitchos, Cor­ner­shop, Louie Zong, lilien rosar­i­an and…

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Joe Goddard releases Harmonics Remixed album plus announces tour

Joe God­dard just released his new album Har­mon­ics Remixed on 22nd August. It fea­tures new track Weave plus remix­es from the likes of Black Sci­ence Orches­tra, Cos­mod­el­i­ca, East Coast Love Affair and Hilit Kolet. The twelve-inch release is set for Octo­ber 25th Apart from an upcom­ing UK tour, he is also play­ing London’s All Points East…

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Indie folk singer Hazlett unveils new single Shiver

Indie-folk musi­cian Hazlett has just released his lat­est sin­gle called Shiv­er, tak­en from his upcom­ing EP, out 4th Octo­ber. This com­pletes his Good­bye to the Val­ley Low project. Shiv­er imme­di­ate­ly puts you into a con­tem­pla­tive and rest­ful head­space. Hazlet­t’s vocal style is wist­ful and steady, at times almost whis­pery, but there’s a strong emo­tive pull. The…

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W H Lung announce new album, new single and live shows

An announce­ment by indie-syn­thy five-piece band W H Lung is always some­thing to cel­e­brate and this lat­est mis­sive will bring their fans great joy. It’s bumper good news: a sin­gle, an album, a video and some live shows.  The band unveil their third and lat­est album on 18th Octo­ber on Melod­ic, which is called, rather majestically,…

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Matty, formerly of BadBadNotGood, unveils new release

Fol­low­ing the announce­ment of his forth­com­ing album POPS, Cana­di­an song­writer and artist Matthew Tavares, aka Mat­ty, for­mer­ly of Bad­Bad­Not­Good, returns with a new dou­ble sin­gle release Mad­ly / Around the World  Mad­ly pos­sess­es an under­stat­ed charm, exud­ing a feel-good, sum­mery warmth that instant­ly pulls you in. The hyp­not­ic ener­gy from the drums and the smooth chord pro­gres­sion com­bine to propel…

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Chris Cohen’s long-awaited return with new album track

Paint a Room is LA artist Chris Cohen’s first album in five years, a 10-track record that sees him up the jazz cre­den­tials. Chris is prob­a­bly best known for his stint with indie out­fit Deer­hoof; there’s also his art-rock act The Cur­tains, pre­ced­ing pro­duc­tion and ses­sion work for the likes of Weyes Blood, Kurt Vile,…

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Debut EP release ‘Sex Yoga’ by Callis

West York­shire band Cal­lis unveil their long-await­­ed debut EP release 2nd Feb­ru­ary, called Sex Yoga. We won’t be for­get­ting that title in a hur­ry. The Tod­­mor­­den-based band have been described as a “Work­ing-class sym­pho­ny of North­ern grit, new wave nuances gal­vanised with a post-punk atti­tude”. Dean Molyneux (lead vocals, gui­tar), Bryn Davies (back­ing vocals, bass) and…

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