The Finsbury: Percy Rico, Luxury Goods, Natsuma

The Fins­bury pub and music venue has been qui­et­ly get­ting on with host­ing music prac­ti­cal­ly every night for many years and it’s sur­pris­ing how many local(ish) peo­ple just don’t know about its exis­tence. I became a con­vert after The Bed­room Hour played there and that was back in 2014. Apart from the music there’s a…

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Richard Hawley at 02 Academy Brixton

Some artists bob around on the fringes of your radar for ages, and so it has been the case with Richard Haw­ley. Those love­ly bal­lads, the choco­latey voice, the Pulp con­nec­tion – yet he’s remained a bit niche some­how. But things have gath­ered apace, and Sep­tem­ber 8 this year saw the Radio BBC 6Music collaboration…

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