Shirley Baker film “Life Through A Lens” premiere in May

A new film about pho­tog­ra­ph­er Shirley Bak­er is to be unveiled soon. Shirley Bak­er: Life Through a Lens, is the first fea­ture length doc­u­men­tary devot­ed to Shirley’s life and work, and will take place on May 18th at the Cen­tre for British Pho­tog­ra­phy, Jermyn St, Lon­don W1. Shirley Bak­er: Life Through a Lens is writ­ten and produced…

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Sparks on the beach by Simon Beck

A giant image of the Mael broth­ers Ron and Rus­sell, aka Sparks, has been carved into the sand on Bre­an beach, Som­er­set. The work was cre­at­ed by Simon Beck who was moved to cre­ate the impres­sive work to cel­e­brate the release of the new film about the two, called The Sparks Broth­ers. Simon Beck, a…

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Pink Floyd, flower children, swinging London: the 60s films of Anthony Stern

Over the sum­mer of 2014, Lon­don’s South­bank Cen­tre held a Fes­ti­val of Love, exhibit­ing pieces of hip­py iconog­ra­phy which remained dot­ted around the com­plex long after the event. They cre­at­ed a suit­ably fit­ting por­tal to one par­tic­u­lar event: an evening of psy­che­del­ic films at the BFI called Flower Chil­dren in the Blind­ing Light: the 60s…

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