The Photographers’ Gallery, images of Manchester by Shirley Baker

Shirley Bak­er is only now being recog­nised as one of the most impor­tant female pho­tog­ra­phers and social doc­u­menters of the last cen­tu­ry. The haunt­ing and com­pelling 2007 doc­u­men­tary of Joy Divi­sion, direct­ed by Grant Gee, opens with a mon­tage of images of Man­ches­ter in the 70s. It depicts a time of sweep­ing changes after the post-war streets were sys­tem­at­i­cal­ly cleared…

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Northern Soul – the film

“I’ve nev­er seen so many weak blad­ders,” said my part­ner, as yet anoth­er sil­hou­ette shuf­fled out, block­ing the screen dur­ing North­ern Soul, the film by Elaine Con­stan­tine. “It’s because every­one here is ‘of a cer­tain age’ ”, I replied. Indeed, about 90 per cent of the audi­ence did look as if they could remem­ber North­ern Soul,…

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Pink Floyd, flower children, swinging London: the 60s films of Anthony Stern

Over the sum­mer of 2014, Lon­don’s South­bank Cen­tre held a Fes­ti­val of Love, exhibit­ing pieces of hip­py iconog­ra­phy which remained dot­ted around the com­plex long after the event. They cre­at­ed a suit­ably fit­ting por­tal to one par­tic­u­lar event: an evening of psy­che­del­ic films at the BFI called Flower Chil­dren in the Blind­ing Light: the 60s…

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Event: The Second Breath. Take to the streets for a mystery tour

The Sec­ond Breath will be hap­pen­ing for one day in May, bring­ing togeth­er club­bing cul­ture, cir­cus skills, a mys­tery tour and cli­mate change sto­ries. The Sec­ond Breath is a walk­ing mys­tery tour of Leeds, with daz­zling cir­cus acts and dar­ing stunts, pro­jec­tions, sto­ries and psy­che­del­ic dance music. The sound­track was espe­cial­ly writ­ten for the per­for­mances by local DJ, KWAH and the pro­jec­tions are by…

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Focus on folk music: Pete Seeger; Inside Llewyn Davis

There is a cer­tain poignan­cy to the death this week of the great folk hero Pete Seeger, the singer and song­writer of protest songs who helped define the folk music land­scape of the last cen­tu­ry. There are sev­er­al of his com­po­si­tions that I remem­ber from my child­hood and they feel like tra­di­tion­al songs passed down through…

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