Acid Jazz & Oth­er Illic­it Grooves record label cel­e­brates 35 years of trail­blaz­ing music with a series of res­i­den­cies, tour­ing loca­tions across the UK where Acid Jazz was arguably the strongest influ­ence, in Birm­ing­ham, Leeds, Lon­don, Bris­tol and Luton

The music, arts, dance & cul­ture exhi­bi­tion will host exclu­sive Q&As with Acid Jazz stal­warts of the scene, Eddie Piller (Acid Jazz Records/DJ), Dean Rud­land (Acid Jazz Records/DJ), Omar (Singer), Snow­boy (DJ), John Sta­ple­ton (DJ), Per­ry Louis (Jaz­zcotech dancer and DJ), Adam Regan (DJ), The Dig Fam­i­ly (DJs and pro­mot­ers), Adri­an Gib­son (AGMP), with live per­for­mances plus many more guest artists, DJs and dancers TBA.

The exhi­bi­tion will fea­ture rare video footage, mag­a­zine and radio inter­views and fea­tures, icon­ic pho­tog­ra­phy, posters and fly­ers, record label art­works of the music and musi­cians from the dance floor archives. 

Acid Jazz & Oth­er Illic­it Grooves Exhi­bi­tion encap­su­lates the musi­cal abun­dance, nos­tal­gia and suc­cess of this pio­neer­ing label, span­ning more than three and a half decades and shows how it achieved inde­pen­dent sta­tus, stand­ing the test of time.


  • 22–26  March                           Cen­trala                        Birmingham 
  • 05–10  April                              Sun­ny Bank Mills Leeds 
  • 19–26  April                              Secret Pop Up Loca­tion  London 
  • 10–14  May                              Lost Hori­zons                Bristol
  • 19–28  May                              The Hat Fac­to­ry Luton

Tick­ets for Acid Jazz & Oth­er Illic­it Grooves avail­able here

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