“You Shine On” is the dream­i­ly anthemic new sin­gle from Lon­don out­fit Mag­net­ic Skies, release date 17th Feb­ru­ary, with accom­pa­ny­ing video. The pop­ping synth open­ing notes imme­di­ate­ly trans­port you back to the 80s, evok­ing shades of Depeche Mode. The vocals are ethe­re­al and shim­mer­ing, open­ing into a rap­tur­ous cho­rus. There’s a over­rid­ing sense of dra­ma that per­vades ‘You Shine On’, meld­ing ten­sion and eupho­ria in equal measures. 

The band con­sists of Simon Kent (vocals and key­boards), and Jo Womar (key­boards) plus their two new­er mem­bers who joined in 2021, gui­tarist Car­los Aguilar and drum­mer Lenin Ale­gria. The band’s sto­ry start­ed in 2019 when Simon and Jo orig­i­nal­ly got togeth­er, find­ing a shared love of 80s synth dri­ven sounds.

Says the band about You Shine On: ‘This is a love song, a sto­ry about two peo­ple find­ing each oth­er despite divi­sions from out­side, and about being true to your­self even when that does­n’t fit with expec­ta­tions from soci­ety or oth­er peo­ple. It’s cel­e­brat­ing a real­ly pos­i­tive self-belief.

Last year saw Mag­net­ic Skies ramp up things con­sid­er­ably: 5 sin­gles and a col­lab­o­ra­tion with KVB. The year starts with this new sin­gle, a sign of things to come with the band’s debut album Empire Falling to be released short­ly, and a few live dates on the cal­en­dar. It looks like 2023 is set to be a good year for Mag­net­ic Skies.

Face­book / Insta­gram / Twit­ter / YouTube / Web­site


Sun 21 May 2023 – Con­corde 2, Brighton (sup­port­ing Heav­en 17)

Sat 30 Sep 2023 – The Rail­way Inn, Win­ches­ter (sup­port­ing Just Radiohead)

You Shine On by Mag­net­ic Skies, released 17th Feb­ru­ary 2023 on ReprinT Records

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