An unusu­al and arrest­ing song from Lon­don-based French singer song­writer Clé­men­tine March is avail­able now: if you’re hav­ing a fraz­zled moment I would sug­gest a lis­te­nas this may pro­vide a moment of calm. With the rhythm of a dreamy waltz and a gen­tle gui­tar, Silence is the lat­est track to be shared from Clémentine’s forth­com­ing new EP My Emp­ty Town, released dig­i­tal­ly March 3, 2023.

About the song, Clemen­tine says: “It was writ­ten at a time when I was lis­ten­ing to a lot of Richard Daw­son, and his intri­cate melodies and chord struc­tures. It med­i­tat­ed on a human need for reflec­tion, self-care, and not join­ing the gen­er­al chat­ter when it isn’t necessary.”

The video, co-direct­ed by her­self, fea­tures a per­son­al and inti­mate moment as Clemen­tine is the recip­i­ent of a mas­sage – she’s even brave enough to be pho­tographed singing through the breath hole on the mas­sage table. 

The video was made in Jan­u­ary 2023, I co-direct­ed it with direc­tor of pho­tog­ra­phy Sabi­na Claici. I want­ed to con­vey some­thing deeply inti­mate (my body, a mas­sage, the place where I live) with a sense of estrange­ment when you’re not par­tic­i­pat­ing, just watching.”

‘Silence’ is the third track from the My Emp­ty Town EP to be released as a sin­gle as part of Lost Map’s PostMap Club sub­scrip­tion ser­vice and avail­able to stream and share now. 

Clé­men­tine is tour­ing the UK with Sweet Baboo through­out Feb­ru­ary and March, and is cur­rent­ly mak­ing her third album. 

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