Bridget Hayden and The Apparitions release Cold Blows the Rain

The ‘dark side’ of the Calder val­ley allows no light dur­ing win­ter, and its drain­ing effects on the human soul are more than just myth. There’s a bleak­ness that is all-encom­­pass­ing, set­tling over the moors and deep val­ley sides, while res­i­dents hun­ker down and await spring. But draw­ing inspi­ra­tion from the stark beau­ty of this…

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Day Fever – Liverpool 8th February

Yes we’re fans of day­time club­bing. Suits us just fine to dance our socks off and head off home at 8pm for hot choco­late, a few Hob­nobs and the tel­ly. And the day time club­bing event start­ed by Vicky McClure, Jon­ny Owen and Rev­erend and the Mak­ers is head­ing to Camp & Fur­nace, Liv­er­pool on…

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Trystero and Marlene Ribeiro live at the Golden Lion, Todmorden

One for the Calderdale diary: Trys­tero are doing their first UK tour and pitch up at the Gold­en Lion in Tod­mor­den for a spe­cial night on Feb­ru­ary 6th. The sup­port act is artist and musi­cian Mar­lene Ribeiro. Trys­tero are pro­duc­er Thomas Lea Clarke (aka MR TC), Nel­ly Plac­ard – part of the Easy Goatquartet –…

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Winter and Spring festivals around the UK

There are plen­ty of win­ter fes­ti­vals hap­pen­ing around the coun­try, help­ing liv­en up these dark and drea­ry months. Thank­ful­ly, no tents involved. There are a few events we’re sad to see have decid­ed to take a sab­bat­i­cal – but not sur­pris­ing with the costs involved so let’s cross our fin­gers that they come back. Nevertheless…

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TDC Tunes – Electronic in the Tower live in February

Anoth­er evening arranged by mod­u­lar synth artist TDC Tunes is set for 7th Feb­ru­ary. Along with 2 Dig­it Visu­als and guest artists And/Or, it takes place in the – per­haps – small­est venue in the coun­try.  The unusu­al set­ting is a church tow­er in Hornsey, north Lon­don, a tiny space to seat around 25 people,…

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Cafe Mambo Ibiza Classics at Coombe Abbey

The icon­ic Ibiza brand Cafe Mam­bo comes to Grade II List­ed Coombe Abbey, Coven­try this May for an Ibiza Clas­sics Fes­ti­val. It’s hap­pen­ing on Sat­ur­day 31st May 2025. Check out the line­up: Paul Oak­en­fold, Roger Sanchez, Gok Wan, Judge Jules, Loe­ca, Love­ly Lau­ra and Ben San­ti­a­go.  Tak­ing place at Coombe Abbey, expect stun­ning sur­round­ing & Huge…

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The Weather Station release new single Body Moves

The last album Igno­rance in 2021 con­vinced us that Tama­ra Lin­de­man and her band are pro­duc­ing some of the most inter­est­ing and orig­i­nal music at the moment. We reviewed Atlantic, a sin­gle from the album, thus: “It is a star­tling, unusu­al and brood­ing work, ele­gant­ly arranged with a lush expan­sive­ness yet suf­fused with ten­sion. A…

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Margate Summer series at Dreamland – the lineup so far

The first phase of the Mar­gate Sum­mer Series line­ups has been announced. The series will return to Dream­land in 2025, span­ning rock, reg­gae, elec­tron­i­ca and pop. Super­grass take the stage on Fri­day, 20th June, along­side spe­cial guests Jake Bugg and The Coral. On Sat­ur­day 12th July the Mar­gate Reg­gae Fes­ti­val takes over Dream­land. Head­lined by UB40…

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Snowapple new video release

Snowap­ple have released a video of the song I Lie All the Time, tak­en from their lat­est album A Moon­less Night. The album and film project were released ear­li­er this year, a haunt­ing and inven­tive tale by the female-led inter­na­tion­al organ­i­sa­tion, based in Ams­ter­dam, Paris and Mex­i­co, where they host art res­i­den­cies, fes­ti­vals and events. …

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The Boomtown Rats 50th anniversary

The Boom­town Rats cel­e­brate their 50th Anniver­sary with 12 the­atre shows, includ­ing a spe­cial Lon­don date, plus exclu­sive doc­u­men­tary screen­ing! Get ready to cel­e­brate 50 Years of The Boom­town Rats, front­ed by Sir Bob Geld­of, with an unfor­get­table tour!  They hit the road Octo­ber and Novem­ber 2025 for a series of 12 exhil­a­rat­ing live the­atre concerts…

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