Seafoam Green headline at The Lexington – photos

It’s not been easy to get to see the rous­ing Amer­i­cana band Seafoam Green play live, but Dave O’Grady and Muire­ann McDer­mott Long made two appear­ances in Lon­don last week­end. They head­lined a packed out Lex­ing­ton (good to see the place so full on a Mon­day night) and they real­ly rocked.  The line­up also included…

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Tomorrow’s Ghosts Festival 2024

The UK’s ulti­mate Goth­ic week­ender – TOMORROW’S GHOSTS FESTIVAL // HALLOWEEN GATHERING – will be back for Autumn 2024.Fol­low­ing the resound­ing sell-out suc­cess of last year, the annu­al goth fes­ti­val will return to its spir­i­tu­al home of Whit­by in the wake of Hal­loween once more and presents the first names on the bill. Across its…

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Independent Venue Week at The Trades Club

While we spend Jan­u­ary snug­gling under duvets lis­ten­ing to lash­ing rain and howl­ing wind, the night time econ­o­my takes a hit. One area that can’t afford to lie dor­mant is grass­roots music venues. Per­fect­ly timed, Inde­pen­dent Venue Week is an annu­al cel­e­bra­tion of these unique, inti­mate places and aims to entice music fans out with…

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Beans on Toast on tour 2024

Eng­lish Folk hero – Beans on Toast – will be tak­ing his brand new live band out on tour for the first time this Feb­ru­ary and March. With a new-look out­fit com­pris­ing Scot­tish gui­tar wiz­ard / folk song­smith Mem­phis Ger­ald, honky-tonk roy­al­ty King Killer­ship, per­cus­sive pow­er­house Abbi Drums, and fes­ti­val poet extra­or­di­naire Bassie Gra­cie; Beans and the band will be smash­ing out tunes from his highly…

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Debut EP release ‘Sex Yoga’ by Callis

West York­shire band Cal­lis unveil their long-await­­ed debut EP release 2nd Feb­ru­ary, called Sex Yoga. We won’t be for­get­ting that title in a hur­ry. The Tod­­mor­­den-based band have been described as a “Work­ing-class sym­pho­ny of North­ern grit, new wave nuances gal­vanised with a post-punk atti­tude”. Dean Molyneux (lead vocals, gui­tar), Bryn Davies (back­ing vocals, bass) and…

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Camp Bestival Dorset and Shropshire: first lineups

Camp Besti­val Dorset the UK’s favourite fam­i­ly fes­ti­val is land­ing back in Lul­worth Cas­tle, Dorset (25 – 28 July 2024) with a total­ly out of this world line­up and inter­galac­tic, aliens and space theme fea­tur­ing a galaxy-bend­ing UK fes­ti­val exclu­sive head­line per­for­mance from PETE TONG IBIZA CLASSICS – Jules Buck­ley & The Essen­tial Orches­tra, pop queen Paloma…

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Victorious Festival 2024 adds: Sugababes, Groove Armada and more

Vic­to­ri­ous Fes­ti­val, set on Portsmouth’s South­sea seafront (dates this year 23–25 August) have announced a fur­ther set of artists to make 2024 an even bet­ter propo­si­tion! For starters there’s the Sug­ababes, who are rid­ing high at the moment with the orig­i­nal line­up back in force, as seen on Jools Hol­land’s Hoo­te­nan­ny on New Year’s Eve. Dance…

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“Dance We Do” single release by Annie Dressner

Annie Dress­ner unveiled her lat­est sin­gle Dance We Do on Jan­u­ary 12th. She has simul­ta­ne­ous­ly announced her upcom­ing album, “I Thought It Would be Eas­i­er,” slat­ed for release on April 5th via Dhar­ma Records. Dance We Do delves into the com­plex­i­ties of try­ing to gauge a par­tic­u­lar love inter­est’s feel­ings; the song dwells on Annie’s…

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Interview with modular synth artist TDC Tunes

TDC Tunes is a mod­u­lar artist and pro­duc­er based in Lon­don; he curates unique elec­tron­ic events at an atmos­pher­ic north Lon­don venue and has sev­er­al oth­er projects on the go. Gourmet Gigs met up with him to find out more… How did your love for mod­u­lar synths start? Did you play an instru­ment at school? Yes,…

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Bill Ryder-Jones fifth album “Iechyd Da” review

Three tracks from Bill Ryder-Jones lat­est album sur­faced towards the close of 2023. They hint­ed at the rich­ness and emo­tion­al depth in store for lis­ten­ers of Iechyd Da, which saw its release on Fri­day 12th Jan­u­ary. The result is a sol­id, beau­ti­ful col­lec­tion of songs, and the tim­ing could not have been bet­ter as we…

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