Eng­lish Folk hero – Beans on Toast – will be tak­ing his brand new live band out on tour for the first time this Feb­ru­ary and March.

With a new-look out­fit com­pris­ing Scot­tish gui­tar wiz­ard / folk song­smith Mem­phis Ger­ald, honky-tonk roy­al­ty King Killer­ship, per­cus­sive pow­er­house Abbi Drums, and fes­ti­val poet extra­or­di­naire Bassie Gra­cie; Beans and the band will be smash­ing out tunes from his high­ly acclaimed new album ‘The Tooth­paste and the Tube’, along­side a long list of bangers from his insane­ly huge back catalogue.

Every night of the tour, as well as per­form­ing with Beans, each indi­vid­ual band mem­ber will show­case their own mate­r­i­al with a solo sup­port­ing set ear­li­er on in the evening.

Speak­ing about how The Beans on Toast Band came togeth­er, Beans explains: “I’m excit­ed to take my brand new band out on tour this month. This is a col­lec­tion of fan­tas­tic musi­cians that I assem­bled at last year’s Glas­ton­bury. We’ll be giv­ing the full band treat­ment to a bunch of my old tunes as well as some tracks from the new album. I reck­on it’s gonna be prop­er spe­cial! Some of the band mem­bers are also per­form­ers in their own right, so each night, Mem­phis Ger­ald, King Killer­ship and Bassie Gra­cie will also be per­form­ing, we’ll be like an old skool trav­el­ling show, vis­it­ing some of my favourite inde­pen­dent venues around the UK.”

In Decem­ber last year, Beans on Toast released his acclaimed new album ‘The Tooth­paste And The Tube’, which fea­tured the sin­gles “Send Me A Bird”, “AI”, “The Dragi­corn”, “Back Out On The Road”. Also “The Gold­en Lion” (reviewed here).

21 NEWCASTLE  – Cluny
22 GLASGOW – Stereo
23 EDINBURGH – La Belle Angele
24 MANCHESTER – Band on the Wall
25 NOTTINGHAM – Res­cue Rooms
27 SHEFFIELD – The Lead­mill
28  LINCOLN – The Drill
29 BIRMINGHAM – Hare & Hounds (SOLD OUT)

01 LEEDS – Bru­denell Social Club
02 BRISTOL – Thekla
03 EXETER – Phoenix
05 READING – Face­bar
06 BRIGHTON – Chalk
07 PORTSMOUTH – The Wedge­wood Rooms
08 MARGATE – Olbys
09 LONDON  – The Garage

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