Review: 3 Daft Monkeys at the Half Moon, Putney
While some peoÂple play air guiÂtar, I conÂfess to air vioÂlin moments. IdeÂal mateÂrÂiÂal for this innocuÂous pasÂtime: The LevÂellers, PeatÂbog Faeries, and CorÂnish trio 3 Daft MonÂkeys. I first disÂcovÂered them at TowÂersey in 2011, folÂlowed by an autumn gig at the Half Moon pub in PutÂney. And here they are back again, two…
Read MoreReview: Crosby, Stills and Nash play Manchester Arena 2013
There’s a feelÂing of warmth and unmisÂtakÂable pride here in ManÂchesÂter as we await CrosÂby, Stills and Nash to make their entrance. For GraÂham Nash, it’s his homeÂcomÂing gig – the BlackÂÂpool-born, SalÂÂford-raised kid who helped creÂate hipÂpy hisÂtoÂry. CarÂry On is the openÂer, and it’s those disÂtincÂtive, urgent vocals of Steve Stills, risÂing and breaking…
Read MoreReview: Laura Marling at York Hall, Bethnal Green, 2013
LauÂra MarÂling perÂformÂing at York Hall, a boxÂing hall in BethÂnal Green, sounds iniÂtialÂly like a bit of an misÂmatch. But durÂing one of her chatÂty moments between songs, LauÂra informs us that she used to live localÂly and she asks the audiÂence for an update on the area. These days, Laura’s an L.A. babe.…
Read MoreReview: Fleetwood Mac joined by Christine McVie 02 Arena, final night
One of my earÂliÂest music memÂoÂries is Peter Green singing Need Your Love so Bad, and his own comÂpoÂsiÂtion Green ManÂalÂishi (with the two prong crown), which to my pre-teen brain soundÂed bewilÂderÂingÂly mysÂtiÂcal. Strange to now see FleetÂwood Mac, in their present form, live in 2013, over 30 years latÂer. Mick FleetÂwood and John McVie comÂmand the…
Read MoreFestivals round up 2013. The greats and the RIPs
With such a gorÂgeous hot sumÂmer it’s been a good year for music fesÂtiÂvals. GlasÂtonÂbury organÂisÂer Michael EavÂis who finalÂly bagged the Stones this year is callÂing it one of their best ever. But my interÂest is in smallÂer fesÂtiÂvals, partÂly because I like being able to walk from tent to areÂna in under ten minÂutes, partly…
Read MoreReview: End of the Road festival 2013
With David Byrne, SigÂur Ros and Belle & SebasÂtÂian amongst othÂers on the lineÂup, End of the Road fesÂtiÂval set in lush Larmer Tree GarÂdens in Dorset looks like a perÂfect musiÂcal finale to the sumÂmer. Far from feelÂing chilled and serene, I’m feelÂing a knot of tenÂsion. Which act should I see? … and while I’m…
Read MoreReview: Suede and British Sea Power play Kenwood House
Suede and British Sea PowÂer playÂing in the grounds of HampÂsteadÂ’s KenÂwood House is an irreÂsistible opporÂtuÂniÂty, espeÂcialÂly as comÂplaints from nearÂby resÂiÂdents mean conÂcerts here are few and far between. As Suede’s set draws to a close, Brett AnderÂson remarks how pleased he is to be back in HampÂstead, an area he loves. As headÂlinÂers, Suede are indeed…
Read MoreReview: Lounge on the Farm festival, Sunday 2013
Lounge on the Farm in Kent has big acts for the headÂlinÂers, and local Kent bands enterÂtain the crowds durÂing the afterÂnoon. I can only assume that everyÂone was sufÂferÂing from masÂsive hangÂovers and too much parÂtyÂing to Jessie Ware, as on arrivÂing at Lounge on the Farm at noon SunÂday, it all seemed suspiciously…
Read MoreReview: Ealing Blues Festival is now a sunny weekender
ImagÂine a fesÂtiÂval that only costs ÂŁ5 entrance, has a choice of stages, sevÂerÂal food outÂlets, the obligÂaÂtory clothes and jewÂellery stalls plus a clairÂvoyÂant or two, a decent-ish bar, spotÂless porÂtaloos with no queues… ok no campÂing, but then you can’t have everyÂthing. This is what’s on offer each year at EalÂing Blues Festival,…
Read MoreNight moves with The Bedroom Hour at The Finsbury
The BedÂroom Hour. It was the promisÂingÂly sulÂtry name that iniÂtialÂly enticed me to check this band out when they popped up on TwitÂter. First hearÂing and they’ve got me hooked. There’s an intenÂsiÂty to this five-piece West LonÂdon band, an immerÂsive qualÂiÂty, a moodÂiÂness which draws you in. Their songs have that abilÂiÂty to…
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