Review: Field Day, Victoria Park 2012

  I’ve been to a num­ber of Wire­less and assort­ed day fes­ti­vals in Hyde Park but gen­er­al­ly not been won over. Pre­fer to wan­der around the are­na know­ing my tent, a cup of tea and a snooze on a musty sleep­ing bag are only a stroll away. But Field Day in east Lon­don’s Vic­to­ria Park was…

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Mazzy Star ate my ears

The elu­sive Mazzy Star have a new album release mid 2012, so the band are now out on the road, yay! The band played at Field Day fes­ti­val, at the same time as head­lin­ers Franz Fer­di­nand on the Eat Your Own Ears main stage. Mazzy played at the Vil­lage Men­tal­i­ty tent, and the await­ing crowd…

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