The Asteroids Galaxy Tour at Oslo, Hackney

Oslo, the new(ish) restau­rant, bar and music venue is one of the lat­est new des­ti­na­tions after the avalanche of clo­sures of grimy, char­ac­ter­ful music venues in north, west and cen­tral Lon­don over the past few years. (Actu­al­ly, make that coun­try­wide, with Liv­er­pool cur­rent­ly under­go­ing self­same prob­lems). So it’s been heart­en­ing to see a new wave of well-thought out, spruced up venues

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Northern Soul – the film

“I’ve nev­er seen so many weak blad­ders,” said my part­ner, as yet anoth­er sil­hou­ette shuf­fled out, block­ing the screen dur­ing North­ern Soul, the film by Elaine Con­stan­tine. “It’s because every­one here is ‘of a cer­tain age’ â€, I replied. Indeed, about 90 per cent of the audi­ence did look as if they could remem­ber North­ern Soul,

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Pink Floyd, flower children, swinging London: the 60s films of Anthony Stern

Over the sum­mer of 2014, Lon­don’s South­bank Cen­tre held a Fes­ti­val of Love, exhibit­ing pieces of hip­py iconog­ra­phy which remained dot­ted around the com­plex long after the event. They cre­at­ed a suit­ably fit­ting por­tal to one par­tic­u­lar event: an evening of psy­che­del­ic films at the BFI called Flower Chil­dren in the Blind­ing Light: the 60s

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Review: Festival No 6 2014 at Portmeirion

Port­meiri­on is awe-inspir­ing on even the gloomi­est, most driz­zly day in Jan­u­ary. So last week­end’s vision of the Ital­ianate vil­lage set against a blue sky, fizzing with all the music, ener­gy and colour of Fes­ti­val No 6 2014, made it even more spec­tac­u­lar. The com­bi­na­tion of Port­meiri­on’s ridicu­lous­ly seduc­tive charms com­bined with the glow of the Indi­an summer

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Review: Towersey Folk Festival Saturday 2014

Guid­ed into my park­ing space by a con­voy of friend­ly, and most­ly old­er, stew­ards, I’m struck by how well organ­ised Tow­ersey Fes­ti­val is. Although to be fair, they’ve had plen­ty of prac­tice, as this year marks Tow­ersey’s 50th Birth­day cel­e­bra­tion. Tow­ersey Fes­ti­val is an insti­tu­tion on the local cal­en­dar, with a ded­i­cat­ed and enthu­si­as­tic fan base, many of whom arrive ear­ly on the first

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Interview with Stuart Drummond of The Bedroom Hour

Inter­view: August 7 2014. It hard­ly needs to be said that I’m a big fan of The Bed­room Hour. I man­aged to catch up with their singer Stu­art Drum­mond as he was rush­ing down to the stu­dio one evening. He and the band are very busy at the moment with debut album Hin­ter­land deserved­ly get­ting a great recep­tion, a summer

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Ealing Jazz Festival 2014

Eal­ing and its jazz and blues fes­ti­vals have been a sum­mer­time fix­ture over the years at beau­ti­ful Wal­pole Park. I’ve attend­ed the last two Blues fes­ti­vals (read Eal­ing Blues 2013) but this time round we rolled up for the final Jazz day. I won­der if the organ­is­ers have a pact with the weath­er gods? Each time I’ve been to

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Dolly Parton and the Glastonbury dog – back with its owners

Dol­ly Par­ton had offered to res­cue a dog found at Glas­ton­bury, dis­cov­ered cow­er­ing in a tent by the clean­er-uppers. The lurcher was too old to trav­el so would not have been able to be rehomed in the States â€“ but the own­ers have now come for­ward to reclaim the poor crea­ture. I am a bit mys­ti­fied by

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Review: Debut album Hinterland by The Bedroom Hour

March 31 2015: This review is for Hin­ter­land by The Bed­room Hour. I’ve been made aware that some peo­ple are expect­ing to read about new album Hin­ter­land by LoneLa­dy. So, The Bed­room Hour’s debut album, Hin­ter­land is final­ly here. The band were post­ing reg­u­lar updates on its progress and suc­cess­ful­ly crowd fund­ed to help with its release. I’m feel­ing that same

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