There’s a great line­up tomor­row night – Fri­day 17th – at Hornsey Town Hal­l’s gor­geous­ly 40s style Sup­per Room. Five artists will be appear­ing at the final Live Music eve, all part of Crouch End Fes­ti­val which ends this Sun­day 19th June. Here’s the lineup:

Steve Puddle

Local Hornsey singer song­writer Steve Pud­dle has his first album out now. His new album WAA!! Radish is now avail­able. And he has a beau­ti­ful video for his song Cold Heart­ed Land.



Burton Bradstock


Jim­my Can­non and Dori­an Ford join forces to form Bur­ton Brad­stock. Out now is their album called.…

‘All Upon A Lovely Summer’s Day’

and this is what has been said about their inno­v­a­tive debut album. “With one foot in the bucol­ic past and the oth­er very firm­ly in the con­tem­po­rary, the album’s arrange­ments sym­pa­thet­i­cal­ly recast Eng­lish folk songs from the ear­ly to mid-nine­teenth century.”

 The Battles of Winter

This gui­tar band from Crouch End / Tot­ten­ham are mes­meris­ing, or, as I wrote when I saw them ‘deep, sonorous and dra­mat­ic’. They played at The End Fes­ti­val 2015, at The Crypt Stu­dio. The Bat­tles of Win­ter have a new album out enti­tled Love’s White Thread.

Annie Rew Shaw

Annie has beau­ti­ful and expres­sive voice, she also appeared at The End fes­ti­val, and plays at many dif­fer­ent venues around London.

Kill Your Darlings

The folk/rock band from North Lon­don have some brand new mate­r­i­al to play for us. Expect beau­ti­ful har­monies and a great sound.The gig is the third Crouch End Live music event, cour­tesy of Crouch End Fes­ti­val team (Sophie, Chris and Olivia); Lau­rence of Char­t­house Music; plus

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