TDC Tunes – Electronic in the Tower live in February

Anoth­er evening arranged by mod­u­lar synth artist TDC Tunes is set for 7th Feb­ru­ary. Along with 2 Dig­it Visu­als and guest artists And/Or, it takes place in the – per­haps – small­est venue in the coun­try.  The unusu­al set­ting is a church tow­er in Hornsey, north Lon­don, a tiny space to seat around 25 people,…

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Interview with modular synth artist TDC Tunes

TDC Tunes is a mod­u­lar artist and pro­duc­er based in Lon­don; he curates unique elec­tron­ic events at an atmos­pher­ic north Lon­don venue and has sev­er­al oth­er projects on the go. Gourmet Gigs met up with him to find out more… How did your love for mod­u­lar synths start? Did you play an instru­ment at school? Yes,…

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Electronic in the Tower#4, TDC Tunes analogue synths, poetry and visuals

TDC Tunes elec­tron­i­ca night at The Inti­mate Space – per­haps the small­est venue in the UK. You can only seat 25 in the atmos­pher­ic church tow­er in Hornsey, north Lon­don so this might be true.  Open­ing the evening was ana­log lep­er with a dra­mat­ic piece that sound­ed like a rag­ing storm. Jee­van S Khaira recit­ed some…

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Jimmy C and the Blues Dragons: almost a festival

JUNE 2021: VERY SHOCKED AND SADDENED TO HEAR OF THE DEATH OF JIMMY C. He will be missed by his friends, fam­i­ly and every­one who has seen this won­der­ful band per­form over the years. Being able to hear live music again lifts the spir­its and gives us hope for the future. Jim­my C & the Blues…

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Live Music Friday at Hornsey Town Hall

There’s a great line­up tomor­row night – Fri­day 17th – at Hornsey Town Hal­l’s gor­geous­ly 40s style Sup­per Room. Five artists will be appear­ing at the final Live Music eve, all part of Crouch End Fes­ti­val which ends this Sun­day 19th June. Here’s the line­up: Steve Pud­dle Local Hornsey singer song­writer Steve Pud­dle has his first…

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Ray Davies at Hornsey Town Hall

TICKETS NOW SOLD OUT After months of plan­ning, Ray Davies is to appear at the Hornsey Town Hall June 26th 2016. Putting The Kinks’ front­man back in his old stamp­ing ground has been the wish of many res­i­dents, vis­i­tors and music lovers for years. And with Hornsey Town Hall left aban­doned by Haringey Coun­cil for many years, that wish for Ray…

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Vinyl memories released: tell your Stylus Story at Earl Haig Hall

The intro of a song is all that’s need­ed for spe­cial mem­o­ries to come flood­ing back. Just a bar or two and you find your­self cat­a­pult­ed back to a par­tic­u­lar moment in time: whether fun­ny or joy­ful, roman­tic or melan­cholic, it’s the music that will take you there. Many of us pos­sess some of our favourites as…

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