Magnetic Skies at The Lexington

Pho­tos of the gig at The Lex­ing­ton where Mag­net­ic Skies appeared, show­cas­ing their debut album Empire Falling.  Pho­tos from the event Mag­net­ic Skies Face­book / The Lexington /

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Ambient-psych band Throw Down Bones plus Callis to play The Golden Lion

Milan/London exper­i­men­tal band Throw Down Bones are tour­ing their new album Three, with a live appear­ance at The Gold­en Lion, Tod­mor­den tak­ing place on 12th Octo­ber. It’s a pow­er­ful work that feels both apoc­a­lyp­tic and jubi­lant. Three is Throw Down Bones’ eager­­ly-await­­ed return fol­low­ing Two in 2018, and the trag­ic pass­ing of found­ing mem­ber Dave…

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Elephant Stone at The Shacklewell Arms 2023

This was an evening fans had been antic­i­pat­ing for a few years – the return of Mon­tre­al psy­che­delia-lean­ing band Ele­phant Stone to UK shores. This, their only show here, took place at char­ac­ter­ful music venue The Shack­lewell Arms, mean­ing fans coun­try wide had no option but to trav­el to the Lon­don venue, a fact that…

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Deux Furieuses new single All We Need is Sanctuary

All We Need is Sanc­tu­ary is the new sin­gle by Lon­­don-based duo Deux Furieuses just released. Deux Furieuses com­pris­es Scot­tish vocal­ist and gui­tarist Ros Cair­ney and drum­mer Vas Anto­ni­adou.  The duo have carved out a name for them­selves with their polit­i­cal­ly charged mate­r­i­al and uncom­pro­mis­ing atti­tude but All We Need is Sanc­tu­ary has a wistful,…

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The Besnard Lakes live at Oslo Hackney

We’ve wait­ed over two frus­trat­ing years but here they are – Mon­tre­al psy indie band The Besnard Lakes return to UK shores for a run of live shows. Actu­al­ly this night at Oslo in Hack­ney is their penul­ti­mate on the tour. The venue has sched­uled a club night for half an hour after the Bezzies…

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Live in Hoxton: Luca Wilding and Wassailer

A win­dow opened briefly on a world we knew and which will come again. Being able to go to a gig – social­ly dis­tanced though it was -– brought into sharp focus just what has been miss­ing from life. It’s ulti­mate­ly about the music but it’s every­thing else besides – the cama­raderie that comes from…

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Jimmy C and the Blues Dragons: almost a festival

JUNE 2021: VERY SHOCKED AND SADDENED TO HEAR OF THE DEATH OF JIMMY C. He will be missed by his friends, fam­i­ly and every­one who has seen this won­der­ful band per­form over the years. Being able to hear live music again lifts the spir­its and gives us hope for the future. Jim­my C & the Blues…

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Fightback: Music Venue Trust Roundhouse gig

If you care about live music, it’s time to put your full sup­port behind it – which means going to as many live gigs as you can! The amount on venues which are clos­ing coun­try­wide is tru­ly heart­break­ing. The Round­house is host­ing a Music Venue Trust gig at The Round­house in Cam­den on 18th October…

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Live Music Friday at Hornsey Town Hall

There’s a great line­up tomor­row night – Fri­day 17th – at Hornsey Town Hal­l’s gor­geous­ly 40s style Sup­per Room. Five artists will be appear­ing at the final Live Music eve, all part of Crouch End Fes­ti­val which ends this Sun­day 19th June. Here’s the line­up: Steve Pud­dle Local Hornsey singer song­writer Steve Pud­dle has his first…

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Crouch End Festival music nights

Organ­ised by Char­t­house Music, the crouch end fes­ti­val team and gourmet­gigs: two evenings of music, please come and sup­port the fes­ti­val and the artists HERE IS THE LINEUP FOR MUSIC NIGHT TUESDAY 14TH AT HORNSEY TOWN HALL, SUPPER ROOM Tues­day June 14th   Char­t­house Music acoustic night,  7.30 – 7.55     Amie Fuller 8.00 – 8.25…

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