Milan/London exper­i­men­tal band Throw Down Bones are tour­ing their new album Three, with a live appear­ance at The Gold­en Lion, Tod­mor­den tak­ing place on 12th October.

It’s a pow­er­ful work that feels both apoc­a­lyp­tic and jubi­lant. Three is Throw Down Bones’ eager­ly-await­ed return fol­low­ing Two in 2018, and the trag­ic pass­ing of found­ing mem­ber Dave Cocks in a motor­cy­cle acci­dent in 2019. 

Choos­ing to con­tin­ue the band in his hon­our, sur­viv­ing co-founder Francesco Van­ni returned to London’s New Riv­er Stu­dios with long-term col­lab­o­ra­tor and pro­duc­er James Apari­cio (Spir­i­tu­al­ized, Nick Cave) and a new band in tow: bassist Mar­i­on Andrau and drum­mer Raphael Mura. 

The result is a 9‑track album span­ning feed­back-blast­ed indus­tri­al psy­che­delia, heavy elec­tron­ics, krautrock and dark ambi­ent. Three is a pow­er­ful and mov­ing record – a post-indus­tri­al tri­umph that’s at once hedo­nis­tic, cathar­tic and poignant. 

“Every sin­gle note in this album is ded­i­cat­ed to our broth­er Dave Cocks.”

Also appear­ing on the line­up: Cal­lis who we have fea­tured here, with more about their new work to come this week. Also garage band Holy Popes. 

The Gold­en Lion Tod­mor­den Thurs­day 12th Octo­ber £10 + bf
Buy tick­ets for Throw Down Bones here

2 thoughts on “Ambient-psych band Throw Down Bones plus Callis to play The Golden Lion

  1. Duke Gar­wood + his band are stop­ping off at the Gold­en Lion, Tod­mor­den Decem­ber 8th (Fri­day) on the tour of his new album ‘Rogues Gospel’. With sup­port from Ellis Best of The Hazy Janes
    £12 + bf via Skiddle 

    Rogues Gospel is Duke Garwood’s 7th offi­cial stu­dio album, released in Octo­ber 2022, on God Unknown Records.
    Record­ed in the sum­mer of 2020 in Bun­ga­low Mag­ic stu­dios with long­time col­lab­o­ra­tor Paul May tak­ing care of per­cus­sion and drums., Gar­wood on Vocals, keys, Gui­tar, bass and guitar.
    The frame­work for the songs was cre­at­ed with per­cus­sion and organ as the bed, with extra instru­ments being added as the com­po­si­tions took shape. The impulse was to cre­ate music with­out inhi­bi­tion, open and positive.
    The live band will fea­ture John J Pres­ley on bass, Paul V may on drums and percussion,
    Duke Gar­wood on gui­tar, vocals, keys, clar­inet and saxophone.
    The lat­est col­lab­o­ra­tion was with Morchee­ba on Black­est Blue, Pre­vi­ous releas­es are , Last Par­ty on Earth, with Hifi Club ‚Sub­sound Records and
    With ani­mals and Black Pud­ding with Mark Lane­gan, on Heav­en­ly Record­ings, both received wide­spread crit­i­cal acclaim, and a sold out tour of the UK and Europe.
    Garwood’s last 2 solo records, Heavy Love ‚and Gar­den of Ash­es also received high praise and syncs in tv shows Blood­line, Tin Star, and Roc­co Sciavonne .
    Gar­wood has toured and played with Mark Lane­gan ‚Sav­ages, Dave Gahan and Soul­savers, Sea­sick Steve, Kurt Vile , Wire, Josh T Pear­son, and Archie Bron­son Outfit.

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