Snowap­ple Col­lec­tive are Lau­rien, Una and Lau­ra, a Dutch trio known for their unique genre-blend­ing sound. They are releas­ing a new album on 30th Sep­tem­ber on Zip Records, called Wrong Feet.

Wrong Feet is a trib­ute to Sean Bergin: jazz with an African and Caribbean flavour, reimag­ined as catchy tunes with vocal har­monies. At the core of the album are three songs – “Green Morn­ing”, “After­noon” and “Lemon Lul­la­by” – cre­at­ed in col­lab­o­ra­tion with West African musi­cians. These ener­getic, dance­able tracks seam­less­ly com­bine Snowapple’s sound with tra­di­tion­al per­cus­sion and buzzing, elec­tric synth lines.

The col­lec­tion fea­tures an exquis­ite track named Green Morn­ing with Mame N’Di­ack Thi­am as a spe­cial guest on voice and pro­duc­tion. Green Morn­ing is an ener­gis­ing and mov­ing num­ber, shot through with rich bass lines and mul­ti­ple lay­ers of instru­men­ta­tion. The track is laden with emo­tion; there’s a pow­er­ful feel­ing of joy at its core. From its sim­ple open­ing notes and vocals, there fol­lows a beau­ti­ful­ly paced build of instru­men­ta­tion and the tri­o’s star­tling­ly rich har­monies serve to enrich the production. 

Lemon Lul­la­by is equal­ly strik­ing for its har­monies while After­noon is a dreamy num­ber with har­monies to get lost in. The Island dials things down, a still mid­way point of the album. It bursts out into a joy­ous, play­ful brass and vocals mix, fil­ter­ing slow­ly back into the refrain from the begin­ning, ‘Where is she now?’ The full pow­er of those Andrews Sis­ters ’40s har­monies are in full flow on the eighth track Mon­ster – also an exam­ple of Snowap­ple’s abil­i­ty to genre-hop with ease. The album is shot through with the band’s love of humour too, which sur­faces on sev­er­al of the tracks, such as Gin­ger Tea.

The video, below, sees Mame N’Di­ack Thi­am con­nect­ing with nature and med­i­ta­tion on Green Morn­ing.

Snowapple’s fifth album, Wrong Feet, will be released on Zip Records. A con­cert on its release takes place on 30th Sep­tem­ber in Bimhuis, Amsterdam. 

Snowap­ple web­site Album release: Wrong Feet, Zip Records

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