Trystero and Marlene Ribeiro live at the Golden Lion, Todmorden

One for the Calderdale diary: Trys­tero are doing their first UK tour and pitch up at the Gold­en Lion in Tod­mor­den for a spe­cial night on Feb­ru­ary 6th. The sup­port act is artist and musi­cian Mar­lene Ribeiro. Trys­tero are pro­duc­er Thomas Lea Clarke (aka MR TC), Nel­ly Plac­ard – part of the Easy Goatquartet –…

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Phildel performs at Karma Sanctum hotel

A Phildel gig is a rare thing indeed and when they do hap­pen, you can be sure of expe­ri­enc­ing some­thing orig­i­nal and mul­ti-sen­­so­ry. This lat­est show was an immer­sive expe­ri­ence replete with detail and sur­prise touch­es – we escaped to the woods with Phildel, her chil­dren hand­ing out aro­mat­ic leaves for ther­a­peu­tic effect and biscuits…

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Ambient-psych band Throw Down Bones plus Callis to play The Golden Lion

Milan/London exper­i­men­tal band Throw Down Bones are tour­ing their new album Three, with a live appear­ance at The Gold­en Lion, Tod­mor­den tak­ing place on 12th Octo­ber. It’s a pow­er­ful work that feels both apoc­a­lyp­tic and jubi­lant. Three is Throw Down Bones’ eager­­ly-await­­ed return fol­low­ing Two in 2018, and the trag­ic pass­ing of found­ing mem­ber Dave…

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Death and Vanilla and Looking Glass Alice: review

It’s been ages since I went to The Shack­lewell Arms for a gig, and it was a reminder not to over­look this venue: wel­com­ing vibe, good space for bands and amaz­ing Lebanese Street Food cooked to order by Jel­ly­fish Organ­ic (soon to move to Hack­ney Wick).  Both the bands play­ing tonight, sup­port Look­ing Glass Alice followed…

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Fire Records Heaven on Fire at Studio 9295

In Decem­ber 2019 I attend­ed the Fire Records Christ­mas gig at Stu­dio 9295 in Hack­ney. It’s the sort of event I’d like to see more of: a selec­tion of artists with 40-ish minute sets, and all in a relaxed and friend­ly atmos­phere. So how for­tu­itous it was to dis­cov­er that the label were dish­ing up…

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Live in Hoxton: Luca Wilding and Wassailer

A win­dow opened briefly on a world we knew and which will come again. Being able to go to a gig – social­ly dis­tanced though it was -– brought into sharp focus just what has been miss­ing from life. It’s ulti­mate­ly about the music but it’s every­thing else besides – the cama­raderie that comes from…

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Special Phildel gig at St Pancras Old Church

Phildel will be return­ing to the atmos­pher­ic and inti­mate St Pan­cras Old Church for a spe­cial gig on Fri­day, Feb­ru­ary 21st where she’ll be per­form­ing songs from The Dis­ap­pear­ance of the Girl and Wave your Flags but as you’ve nev­er heard them before, with the accom­pa­ni­ment of strings and choir. St Pan­cras Old Church was Phildel’s choice…

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Review: Lamb at Union Chapel

This was Lam­b’s first seat­ed gig, so they tell us. Good going for the duo who have been in exis­tence since 1996. They did, how­ev­er, exhort us to get up on our feet for a dancey num­ber after which no one seemed much inclined to sit down again. The duo released a new album this year,…

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