Crouch End Fes­ti­val 2016. 

What a fab­u­lous and very suc­cess­ful night at the first of the Crouch End Live music events. It took place at the beau­ti­ful­ly atmos­pher­ic Sup­per Room at Hornsey Town Hall which resem­bles a speakeasy or a ’40s jazz bar (see pho­to above). Both the nights – the sec­ond will be on Fri­day 17th –  are part of Crouch End Festival.

Tues­day 14th was the Char­t­house Music acoustic night. First on stage was Tom Heath who played a beau­ti­ful set of soul­ful songs. 




He was fol­lowed by Kat Reyes, an equal­ly tal­ent­ed singer song­writer who has been recent­ly been play­ing main­ly around east Lon­don and Shoreditch.

Next on stage were Belle and the Busker who filled the room with their storm­ing set of folk-coun­try, their two female vocal­ists har­monise beautifully.

belle and the busker

The Inves­ti­ga­tion kept up the pace with a pow­er­ful set of bluesy-rocky numbers.


Vashti took the the stage for the final act of the night, and she kept us enter­tained with her songs and her ban­ter – she has a dry wit which kept the audi­ence amused and it was no sur­prise an encore was in order.

vashti music

The evening was put on by mem­bers of the Crouch End Fes­ti­val team Chris and Sophie, plus Lau­rence Hobbs of local record­ing stu­dio Char­t­house Music, and Also thanks go to the ANA team at Hornsey Town Hall.

Please come along to Fri­day 17th, same venue, same time (7.30 onwards) for bands night, with 5 artists set to play. Free entry.

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