Music night at The Supper Room, Hornsey Town Hall

Crouch End Fes­ti­val 2016.  What a fab­u­lous and very suc­cess­ful night at the first of the Crouch End Live music events. It took place at the beau­ti­ful­ly atmos­pher­ic Sup­per Room at Hornsey Town Hall which resem­bles a speakeasy or a ’40s jazz bar (see pho­to above). Both the nights – the sec­ond will be on Friday…

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Ray Davies at Hornsey Town Hall

TICKETS NOW SOLD OUT After months of plan­ning, Ray Davies is to appear at the Hornsey Town Hall June 26th 2016. Putting The Kinks’ front­man back in his old stamp­ing ground has been the wish of many res­i­dents, vis­i­tors and music lovers for years. And with Hornsey Town Hall left aban­doned by Haringey Coun­cil for many years, that wish for Ray…

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The End Festival 2015: opening weekend

The End Fes­ti­val is at the half-way mark, and so far it’s been an enjoy­able, if slight­ly chaot­ic, expe­ri­ence, with a dai­ly ros­ter of bands appear­ing at venues around Crouch End. Open­ing night at Earl Haig fea­tured Ice­landic out­fit YLJA (they are appear­ing twice more over the fes­ti­val’s dura­tion) and are notable for their crystalline…

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