I man­aged to catch five min­utes with Work­ing Men’s Club after their set at Blue­dot last Sat­ur­day. They’ve been in Sheffield doing a record­ing ses­sion, attend­ing pho­to­shoots, left to head off to Lat­i­tude… and they’re now on to Port Eliot fes­ti­val. Busy busy. The in-depth inter­view is going to have to wait.

Work­ing Men’s Club at Blue­dot festival

Q Hi Jake, that was a great per­for­mance – it was a speedy one though. The crowd were real­ly get­ting into it..  and then it fin­ished. The tim­ing with Kraftwerk was­n’t too great! Did you enjoy play­ing that set though?

A Yes I did it, was good fun. It was nice to see so many peo­ple had come see us even if we over­lapped with Kraftwerk, who we all want­ed to go see as well!!

Q How are you find­ing play­ing at fes­ti­vals? Com­pared to gigs, I mean?
A  The mix of peo­ple is obvi­ous­ly dif­fer­ent. We’ve been get­ting used to play­ing as sup­port for bands whose audi­ence is only there to see the main act. Where­as at fes­ti­vals, the audi­ence is much more mixed and peo­ple are wan­der­ing around, find­ing new things. There’s a lighter atmos­phere, peo­ple dance more and you can see they’re hav­ing a real­ly good time

Q How’s the new sin­gle Teeth going down?

A From what we’ve been hear­ing, I guess it’s gone down well – it’s A list­ed on Apple Music Alter­na­tive – and Annie Mac gave us a play. We real­ly appre­ci­ate that peo­ple are into the music we’re cre­at­ing. It’s not about how big the response to the music is though, what is impor­tant that there are some peo­ple who want to hear it. It’s still weird think­ing about the fact that peo­ple actu­al­ly want to hear what you’ve got to say!

Q  I did­n’t recog­nise all the songs you played at Blue­dot. Was there a new one in there?
A  We’ve always got new stuff com­ing in and out and we like to add lit­tle bits into the set.
Q  What acts did you guys man­age to see at Blue­dot? Who did you like? What did you think of Kraftwerk?
A  Kraftwerk were bril­liant – hear­ing these songs blast­ing out across the field – god­fa­thers of electronic!
Scalp­ing were incred­i­ble – it’s a wall of sound but you don’t get bored of it – it’s a real­ly inter­est­ing sound.
Sad­ly we weren’t there for that long as we had to go on to Latitude.

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