The tigers that came to Stroud Green

While the coun­try’s gal­leries and art spaces have been closed, it has been incum­bent upon artists to find more inge­nious ways to dis­play their work. Some­one who has been bring­ing artis­tic enjoy­ment and a sense of com­mu­ni­ty to his neigh­bour­hood for sev­er­al years is artist and art project organ­is­er Ahmed Farooqui, togeth­er with his partner…

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The Secret Life of No:36 – an art project in a London terrace

An unas­sum­ing ter­raced house in north Lon­don trans­formed into an excit­ing, exper­i­men­tal art project proved to be one of the most intrigu­ing and orig­i­nal events in the cal­en­dar of a local fes­ti­val. Enti­tled The Secret Life of no:36, the project, shown as part of Crouch End Fes­ti­val, was inspired by the his­to­ry of the house and its…

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