Autumn and winter music festivals

There are plen­ty of win­ter fes­ti­vals hap­pen­ing around the coun­try, help­ing liv­en up these dark and drea­ry months. No tents involved. Most­ly at cities and towns around the UK with sev­er­al mul­ti-venue events, one-day or week­enders. Check these good­ies out… and check back as we are adding lots more! Rock­away Beach 3–6 Jan­u­ary But­lin’s Bogn­or Regis…

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Independent Venue Week 2016

Per­fect tim­ing. If you’ve been hid­ing your­self away for most of Jan­u­ary, Inde­pen­dent Venue Week comes along from Mon­day 25th to Sun­day 31st Jan­u­ary to bring back music into your life. And it’s all for a good cause – to help raise aware­ness of the UK’s rich seam of quirky and indi­vid­ual music venues, along with all the benefits…

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