Victorious Festival 2022 first wave

Vic­to­ri­ous Fes­ti­val makes its first announce­ments for sum­mer 2022. The open­ing day, Fri­day, will see The Stereo­phon­ics head­line. Their 12th album called Oochya! is set for release in the spring. Also Mancs rock­ers James are set to appear.  Sat­ur­day sees The Wom­bats and Sug­ababes appear, while on Sun­day it’s the turn of Noth­ing But Thieves…

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Review: James at Scala

James show­cased their new album Girl at the End of the World at Scala, Kings Cross. We’re hop­ing we’ll hear one or two old favourites scat­tered here and there, but this show is real­ly the launch of the new album and the first time they’ll be play­ing the mate­r­i­al in front of an audi­ence. Tim Booth comes on…

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Review: Festival Number 6 2015

Fes­ti­val Num­ber 6 feels as if it has ful­ly got into its stride. It offers a dizzy­ing array of intel­li­gent­ly-curat­ed events, from bands and DJs to com­e­dy, night­time pro­ces­sions, work­shops and talks, plus some­thing this fes­ti­val has come to excel in – inter­views and inti­mate per­for­mances by a hand­ful of the main-stage artists.

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Good news just in: James and more artists for Festival No 6

One of my favourite fes­ti­vals has just got even more excit­ing. A new head­lin­er has been revealed for Fes­ti­val No 6 – it’s the leg­endary Man­cun­ian indie-rock­­ers James as the sur­prise co-head­­­line act on Sun­day night. Said Jim Glen­nie from James: ‘I love Port­meiri­on and I can’t believe we are going to play a gig there.…

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Bearded Theory Sunday 2015 – pirates, beards and bands

Sun­day is unabashed­ly fun day at Beard­ed The­o­ry. Pro­ceed­ings kick off with Mr Moti­va­tor and a mass exer­cise ses­sion at the Wood­land stage at the unearth­ly hour of 12 noon, and the place is packed out – Mr Moti­va­tor’s appeal is clear­ly undimmed. There’s so much to cel­e­brate today. First­ly those threat­en­ing rain­clouds are beat­ing a retreat. It’s also Pirate…

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