Todmorden’s Golden Lion launches label

The Calder Val­ley, West York­shire is a ver­i­ta­ble hotbed of tal­ent­ed new artists. So when a well-loved venue runs into finan­cial dif­fi­cul­ties, local bands ral­ly to help. Work­ing Men’s Club and W H Lung have con­tributed exclu­sive tracks to help the Gold­en Lion in Tod­mor­den. Yes, Tod­mor­den’s The Gold­en Lion has set up its own…

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Review: Bluedot 2019: a space celebration

If the sci­en­tists at Jodrell Bank could put their col­lec­tive heads togeth­er, it would be per­fect if they could find a way of tele­port­ing us back to the fields of Blue­dot in order to do the fes­ti­val all over again. That way it might be pos­si­ble to expe­ri­ence the stuff you’d missed first time round.…

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