The Besnard Lakes launch their redemptive new album

The Besnard Lakes don’t make things easy for them­selves, pub­lic­i­ty wise. The new album which launched on Jan­u­ary 2021, The Besnard Lakes are The Last of the Great Thun­der­storm Warn­ings isn’t a title that fits neat­ly into social media posts, as well they know. But the Cana­di­an out­fit don’t par­tic­u­lar­ly care – noth­ing is going…

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Wolf People at Oslo, Hackney

As Fes­ti­val No 6 in Wales this sum­mer descend­ed into a major mud­bath after two days of bib­li­cal rain­fall, Wolf Peo­ple took to the stage late after­noon (above). They were cap­ti­vat­ing and the tur­moil of gui­tars suit­ed the inclement weath­er, but I decid­ed I’d enjoy them more some­time in the future, in the warmth, with dry clothes.…

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Review: The Besnard Lakes, London

The Besnard Lakes closed the UK leg of their tour with a tri­umphant, beau­ti­ful and emo­tion­al per­for­mance at The Assem­bly Hall, Isling­ton. The space was per­fect for The Besnard Lakes. It’s a medi­um-sized venue with a grand feel, and that Besnard sound swirled around and filled the space, the mir­ror­ball on the ceil­ing look­ing like an escapee from their last album cover,…

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