Review: SHHH quiet music festival in Hampstead

As far as fes­ti­vals are con­cerned, win­ter is the new sum­mer.  Take SHHH Qui­et music fes­ti­val organ­ised by The Local.TV and visu­al artist Luke Drozd – a musi­cal feast last­ing from noon to near­ly mid­night, in a cosy church in north Lon­don. SHHH is now in it’s 8th year, with much involve­ment from music pro­mot­er and…

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The beginning of “The End” – a music festival for Crouch End

This week’s post is a bit dif­fer­ent, but there’s some­thing excit­ing hap­pen­ing next week­end in my neigh­bour­hood so I’d like to give it a heads up. It’s a mini music fes­ti­val called The End, and its hap­pen­ing in Crouch End, north Lon­don. The End takes place Fri­day 16th and Sat­ur­day 17th Novem­ber, start­ing at 7pm…

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