Llais 2023 lineup with Gwenno, Bat for Lashes, The Unthanks and more

Llais is Wales Mil­len­ni­um Centre’s annu­al inter­na­tion­al arts fes­ti­val inspired by the instru­ment that con­nects us all – the voice. The Cen­tre has just announced its first wave of artists for Llais 2023, includ­ing Bat For Lash­es, Gwen­no and a cel­e­bra­tion of Joni Mitchell. The events takes place 11–15 Octo­ber. An ode to Joni Mitchell’s…

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Review: Kaleidoscope festival at Alexandra Palace

There was a pal­pa­ble feel­ing of excite­ment in the air as peo­ple made their way up to Alexan­dra Palace for Kalei­do­scope fes­ti­val on Sat­ur­day 25th July. For many starved rev­ellers, this was the first occa­sion for well over a year that they were head­ing out to a fes­ti­val, this was lib­er­a­tion.  Every­one came with the…

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